So I (26f) have a friend (32f) who gets kinda jealous if I hang out with other people. Like whenever I go somewhere with someone she will start to make comments about us hanging out. The kicker is that she refuses to hang out with just me. For my birthday we were planning on going out to eat, but she wanted her husband to come, even though it was supposed to be just us, and i even told her that i would feel like the third wheel. I have introduced her to two other friends, and she always tries to befriend them and get their number and add them on fb after meeting them after one single time.We are supposed to see a movie this weekend, but last minute she tried to invite my other friend (who couldn’t go anyway) and then her sis in law.

She mentioned me possibly bringing a friend because she likes to make new friends. I feel bad for her since she doesn’t have any friends herself, and really only hangs out with her husband and his friends/wives. She also has anxiety. I have complained to other people about this, and they just think she’s lonely.However, yesterday we were talking about the movie on Saturday and she asked if we can go shopping after it, I told her we can but not for long because i have to get up early the next day, and she asked why. I told her i was going to the city, (she knows it’s to hang with someone because she watches my stories on insta and i have been hanging with a friend once a week in the city recently) and she responded with “sick invite lol”.

Now that annoyed me because i’m allowed to hang out with people who aren’t her, and it would be weird to automatically ask her to hang out with people who she doesn’t know at all. Now i just need some reassurance, was i in the wrong? And what can I say to her to get her to understand all of this?

TL;DR: My friend gets upset when i hang out with other people, even though she doesnt want to ever hang out with just me.

1 comment
  1. Your friend is a weirdo girly.

    I don’t know what’s up with her, but it seems very clear she doesn’t view YOU as a friend. You’re a bridge for her to GET new friends, at least that’s what she thinks. It almost sounds like she’s jealous you have a social life and friends and wants those things for herself. How did you meet her?

    You are not in the wrong at all. Some people just don’t know how to function irl. I’m curious if she’s ever tried to invite your friends to events without you?

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