I’m having trouble being myself with this person I just met, for a lot of reasons. Mostly because they’re awesome and I hate myself. 🙂

Is there like a “usually by this time” when things play out where you both figure out how to act around each other? I know all relationships are the same, but say maybe just from your experience, what was it like? I’ve never gone out with anyone before, so it’d be nice just to know some typical baseline of what to expect.

  1. If you hate yourself, you need to fix that mentality. It’s tough, but entirely possible. But it’s almost impossible to develop a lasting relationship with someone when you hate yourself. And putting up a fake personality around them is not the solution. The two of you need to get to know each other’s true selves, not some false image.

  2. I don’t know what you mean by ‘every relationship is the same’, because it’s not. Depending on the person you’re with, you’ll have a slightly different relationship with each and every person in your life, and you’ll behave slightly differently with each in order to communicate and interact with them.

    I’ve been in many relationships, and I generally don’t date people with a ‘nice’ act. I date the weird ones, who are themselves all the time, because it’s consistent and I appreciate that honesty about them. It helps me be honest with myself. And the moment you both start opening up and trusting each other more is when you know whether or not the relationship is worth keeping. If you cannot trust this person with important and meaningful things (feelings, big secrets, etc), then they are not worth building a life with, and if they cannot trust you with their secrets, same thing applies.

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