Hello all! I’m a bit embarrassed to be putting myself out there like this, but if it means I can get some inspiration for gift/activity of ideas for my significant other, then I’m all for it. It’s my boyfriends 29th birthday in a few days, and we are going through a rough patch right now (more on that in a minute). Basically we’re flat broke, and I want to make his birthday as special as I can on a limited budget. I know he will be more than happy just to spend the day with me, but I also know from lurking on the site that Reddit can be a gold mine for ideas, especially for situations like this!

A little bit of backstory, for those interested: I met my boyfriend about a year ago. I had ended an abusive relationship about a year prior that was very toxic and unhealthy, and was apprehensive about going back into the dating scene. However, this guy really charmed the socks off me from the start, and while we took it slow in the beginning, he has really gone the distance to show me what being treated with respect and care feels like. Basically, without wanting to go on a spiel or be cheesy, he shows me what being special feels like, and I love to show it back in any big or little way that I can. For my birthday last year, he took me out to dinner, and got me a nice outfit, and a beautiful necklace. And a lovely card with a heartfelt note penned inside. It’s been years since I did anything special for my birthday, and I think he inferred as much, so he really went all out for me and the whole gesture just meant so much to me. Fast forward a few months and we’ve hit a rough patch, and by that I mean we’re staying in his car right now, and working odd jobs to get by until we find something more stable. So the Tres Leches cake I wanted to make for him, and the other more expensive gift ideas, will have to wait until next year.

I want to make it perfectly clear that I am under no pressure or obligation from him to buy or do something for his birthday, and when I asked if there was any activity he had in mind for the day, he simply wanted to spend the day with me. This is my own desire to have a special day for him, for the reasons I described above. So, does anyone have any creative budget gift or activity ideas? I was was thinking maybe a coupon book, you know for “free backrubs” or “head whenever you want” but A) it’s really hard to give a backrub in the car and B) the second idea is already something that’s taken care of regularly, so it seems kind of lame to give coupons for it…

Anyway, I’m open to suggestions! Thanks very much in advance if you took the time to read and comment! I know I’ll be able to make him smile no matter what. 🙂

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