I think my boyfriend hates me. Everything was great for about a month until we got into a pretty big argument. He wanted to break up; I didn’t want to; we agreed not to. But ever since then, I feel like he only keeps me around for money and sex. He pulls the card of having no money all the time and I feel bad so I pay. We never not have sex when we’re hanging out unless I’m on my period. He makes sexual comments all the time, which normally I didn’t mind until the thought of him only keeping me around for sex popped into my head. He still tells me he loves me but it feels less. It’s not as genuine, it feels like we can never share a wholesome moment together. He’s been choosing his friends over me almost any chance he gets, and he’ll only agree to hangout with me if I tell him I’ll pay for his food or something. I’m heading off to college soon and I feel like he’ll lose feelings for me and find someone better. I feel like I’m the issue though, it seems like he’s doing just fine but I always feel so lonely. I feel so helpless and I want more from my relationship, but I don’t wanna be alone again. I’m worried that if I talk to him about my feelings he’ll break up with me. Sorry for the soap box. Have you felt the same way or similar? If so, what did you do about it? Talk to your partner? Leave? Idk, Thanks for reading.

  1. Trust your gut.

    It sounds like he’s already lost feelings for you and is just using you.

    I would encourage you to break up with him and enjoy going off to college as a single girl! it’s hard, but it’s better to be single than with someone who plays with your emotions and doesn’t respect you.

  2. end it. the relationship died after that argument. if there is no romantic and sweet gestures and interactions solely for his gain- that’s not a real relationship at all.

  3. Do you enjoy being a sex toy? Because that’s what you are in his mind.

    Don’t be with someone just to avoid being alone.

  4. My child leave now. He’s bumming off of you. Your young, you don’t want to be spending all your 20s for someone who doesn’t appreciate you and reciprocates the same feelings as you.

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