My (F24) girlfriend (F21) have been dating for 4.5 years. I came from a super abusive home and no longer have any form of contact with my biological family (this is important for later.)

My girlfriend is nothing short of self-absorbed and entitled. She was never told no in her life, and has never been made to take responsibility for her actions, nor has she been disciplined for anything (never been grounded, or corrected, or even told she was doing something wrong), although there has been several instances where I see where it should have happened, and this has reflected on our relationship. She is under the impression that she can say and do whatever she wants and that she’s never wrong, and her family defends her. For instance, just today my girlfriend told me that I would have nothing without her and that I have everything because of her. She did this at work. She does this at work all the time, and since she’s my boss, I can’t do anything or say anything to stop her. Clearly, I got upset. I was embarrassed. Her mother, who was in the room, told me there was a time and place to react. I wasn’t allowed to get upset and had to just let her be an asshole because that’s who she was. Day ruined, again. She constantly makes fun of my trauma, brings it up as jokes, and mocks me when I tell her about things that have happened to me (saying this is just how she copes with things – which is fine…I guess.).

We are currently renting a house, and have gotten approved for a home loan, something we have been talking about wanting for a year, but we were also offered ownership of the business we work at. This was supposed to be something that we both did, it was offered to both of us, and my girlfriend insisted that I didn’t deserve it because she had been working there a year longer than I had. This pained me, but I let her have her way. She didn’t want my name on the paperwork, but she still wanted my help. This is when I found out that she will no longer be getting paid, and will need me to give her my checks to pay for her bills. I get no raise, no sick days, and because we are a small business, no paid time off. I struggled with this, but was manipulated into thinking I had no option, and sat aside while she pranced around and was congratulated on her achievements by her family and friends. Sunday, May 1st was the set day for her to sign the papers. Two weeks before this date she approaches me saying she needs me to pay half of the buyout because it’s only fair. Me, feeling like I need to be a people pleaser, gave her the money. she signed the papers, and now has decided she wants to leave me out of everything, and ultimately wants me to have nothing to do with the business other than to be her baker for the business to operate functionally. But I am required to take on all her old responsibilities as manager, and suck it up because ‘things don’t just get handed to you’.

I have tried being rational and talking to her her several times about my feelings, and she tells me the only place I have left to go if I complain is the streets or to my abusive family.

Am I being selfish for asking for a reasonable cut of some money, and not wanting to pay her bills? Am I being selfish for wanting to leave her? I love her but the effort isn’t equal. I feel like I’m just a bank account to her.

There’s so much more to the story that I didn’t have time to type, but any help at all I’d appreciate from what I was able to give. Thank you!

  1. Wow. This seems like a nightmare of epic proportions. Seriously. I know it is so hard when you’re in the middle of it, but if you were your best friend what kind of advice would you give yourself. I think you already know but need some confirmation. All that stuff she says about you, it’s true but reversed, my ex was like that too. Every demeaning thing she said about me was what was actually true about her.

    If I were you I would do everything I could to absolutely, 100% get far away from her. Cut every single tie. All the money you “gave” her, just count as lost. I know is is extreme, but seriously I don’t see it ever getting any better. Better now than years later where you’re way more entangled.

  2. I admire your resilience greatly. But you must stand up for yourself and stop being a doormat.

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