My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and he just brought up that I have a vaginal smell that bothers him.

I’ve had boyfriends in high school tell me in really rude ways that I would smell, and it’s left me feeling kind of insecure since then.

I let my boyfriend cum in me and I know that’s a big reason why I have such a bad smell sometimes, which lasts for a couple days after we have sex. I am not really bothered by it. I really enjoy having him cum in me tho. I would prefer to let him keep cumming in me but I want to get rid of the fishy smell that happens after the fact for his sake lol.

Looking for general vaginal hygiene tips, tips for fishy smelling odors, product recommendations! I only use the summers eve unscented PH balancing wash sometimes and that stops the odor on the outside parts, but when I have discharge after he cums in me it starts to fishy again. Should I use a douche? What brand?

  1. Research ‘Trimethylaminuria’ – someone I know had it. You cannot wash the smell away it is largely due to genetics and diet.

  2. Maybe it’s worth seeing a doctor about to investigate. When I’m finished in my vagina’s PH is thrown off for a few hours, not days. After showering the smell is gone. (If I notice it at all) I know BV is known for causing a strong fishy odor, maybe it’s something like that? Vagina’s are self cleaning, and no soaps or scents should ever go inside it. So wouldn’t recommend douching.

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