1. Support and understand your circle.
1. Make them feel special.
1. Be trustworthy and clarify expectations.
2. Notice and remember the small details.
2. Maintain a mature and neutral stature.
1. Substitute for disagreement with curiosity.
2. Maintain this curiosity until you meet at a third option or a compromise.
3. Match their tone.
1. Ask from their perspective and be unobtrusive.
2. When necessary, interrupt courteously or detach.
4. Put faith in them.
1. Assume them to be as capable as apposite.
2. Only provide guidance after their discretion.
5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
1. Express whatever intrigues the other, primarily themself.
2. Refrain from gratuitous lectures.
6. Rivalry is the final resort.
1. Endorse the pursuit of mutual benefit.
2. Dissociate if not plausible.
2. Influence other people to become a leader.
1. Be generous and honest.
1. Deliver a minor favor, concession, or confession.
2. Request whatever you wish in exchange.
2. Play on people’s need to be consistent.
1. Get someone to endorse a moderate stance.
2. Repeat to sway them to your side.
3. Have the public on your side.
1. Those confused will join the lead of similar others.
2. Make the impression that many concur with your ideas.
4. Be a source of prestige and pleasure.
1. Groom yourself and smile.
2. Manifest familiarities.
3. Compliment prudently.
5. Appeal to authority.
1. Employ your titles and epithets to the maximum.
2. Display a civilized, wise, and wealthy façade.
6. Limit the options.
1. Make the action you wish taken increasingly more difficult.
2. They will clamor for the honor.
3. Control the masses.
1. Guard your reputation.
1. Stand out with your character and expertise.
2. Keep your image congruent with this identity.
2. Be the master of appearances.
1. Create compelling narratives and engrave the sensual in minds.
2. Get people to put their faith in you.
3. Sneak in and avoid isolation.
1. Do not flaunt your eccentric ways.
2. Have a solid network.
4. Do not put your eggs in the wrong basket.
1. Apply yourself to the attitudes that bear power therein.
2. Utterly neglect the attitudes that spell weakness.
5. Enchant and terrorize with hot/cold dynamics.
1. Excessive communication exposes and cheapens you so avoid becoming predictable.
2. Let others yearn for you and your words.
6. Seek allies, not friends.
1. Abstraction of reality conceals power dynamics.
2. Tackle sustained actions, not transient expressions.

1 comment
  1. I thought I understood social skills until I saw this.

    I guess it’s much harder than I thought!

    Interesting though, thanks for sharing this perspective.

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