what’s your opinion on the music of the band, The Goo Goo Dolls?

  1. Despite it definitely being over 20 years since I have even thought of them I know one of their songs was called ‘Iris’ and it was annoyingly popular.

  2. Good 90s band, I have *sympathy* for the women though. You don’t care if the ladies can *name* a goo goo doll song? Why did they *slide* to the back of the bus? Sorry, I’ll show myself out, I could *Run all night with these*.

  3. I’m feally bad at associating songs to names, to bands, to albums. I do have some of their songs on my phone and a few of those in my usual playlist. So I generally like the music.

  4. Great band. I’ve seen them live twice and both times were phenomenal.

  5. They’re in the same grouping of bands like Matchbox 20 and Third Eye Blind, where they’re not the most impressive of bands in terms of talent, but they’re entertaining and their lyrics seem superficial but are a lot more leveled than you realize at first. Plus they always put a smile on my ma’s face so I like em

  6. Underrated .off the top of my head


    Black balloon

    Here is gone

    Long way down


    Just want you to know who I am



    They do a good cover of a supertramp song “give a little bit”

    These are all great song Ive heard all the time over the years . You forget how many good songs they have .

  7. I never got into them. To me, they seemed like one of many formulaic bands riding the post-grunge/alt rock wave of the mid 90’s. I found them rather vanilla and boring.

  8. No one’s remembering ‘I’m Still Here’ from Treasure Planet? That song is every bit as good now as it was when I was 12

  9. Not a particularly big fan, but the song Better Days helped me through some real hard times so I appreciate them.

  10. Good 90s rock. I’m not a huge fan, but Black Balloon is a really good song.

  11. I 33m still love like 5 of there songs and feel very nostalgic listening to them. I probably give them a listen every 6 months or so. A bit of a guilty pleasure still

  12. I like a handful of their songs. My biggest takeaway is that they have the greatest ratio of success to their singer’s talent. David Lee Roth fronted Van Halen is a close second.

  13. Never heard about them. People who are gonna say you did now. I just read

  14. Meh. Typical ’90s pop music. Not terrible, and definitely better than Prince or some shit, but not even within visual range of “great music”

  15. Love them and the Pandora station is awesome. Sam them live in Boston like 6 years ago.

    Here is Gone, Black Balloon, and Broadway are my favorites by them but they have so many good songs.

  16. I don’t want the world to see me, okay? I almost fell through that hole in my life, and I don’t need broadway to be dark tonight

  17. No my favorite but when the come on the radio or shuffle I usually think “yeah, I’m gonna let it slide”

  18. I’m a woman, but I had to run in here to say I love The Goo Goo Dolls.

    “Here is Gone” is my favorite song. That song frees my soul.

  19. Unpopular opinion I guess. I really didn’t like hardly any rock that came out in the mid to late 90s (my mid to late 20s). And these guys were a big part of what I didn’t like. I thought they were lame and had a stupid band name.

  20. They have that Iris song which is a wonderful bit of songwriting. Everything else is very dull. Some people really do just have one song in them.

  21. They are my favorite band. I’ve seen them live 21 times, about half of them from the front row! Will see them again in September.

  22. They were mid when they were new and are mid now.

    But they seem to be gaining in popularity again which I would have never guessed. I would have expected no one to ever talk about them again after the 90s.

    I have also never really been a fan of pop rock though. Especially when I was younger.

  23. One of the better generic pop-rock bands I suppose. I would never listen to their music on my own accord, but if someone else puts them on I’m not actively wishing I could turn it off without seeming rude. I would prefer silence to their music, but don’t actively hate it either.

  24. Unless i google them i would never recognize a song by the Goo Goo Dolls on my own.

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