So I ended up asking my coworker and his SO if they wanted to hang out with me and my SO in a couple of weeks from now. I asked about a week ago – my coworker seemed really enthusiastic even before I told him the day I had in mind, and said he would check with his SO if they were free that day and let me know. That was a week ago and I haven’t spoken to him since.

I am feeling a bit uneasy because of my lack of social experience and because of how my own brain works – personally if I were invited like that, I would either come back with a yes/no straight away, or directly say if I thought it was too soon to decide, so “I will get back to you on this day”.

If I said I would check with my SO and then went quiet for a week, I probably did mean to check right away but completely forgot – if I don’t do things right away and they are something as obscure as an invite to hang out, I am liable to forget. Because the way my coworker has behaved is very different from how I handle such situations, the mixture of “enthusiastic response and then going quiet for a week” is something I am struggling to parse.

Because of my history of social rejection I am already telling myself he just didn’t have the courage to say no upfront and is hoping I will forget the whole idea, which is annoying me because he didn’t need to be so seemingly into the idea of going out and get my hopes up like that – it is reminding me of bad experiences in high school. I don’t feel like I can remind him, because it would be “losing face” and I don’t want him to think I am desperate for friends, even though I am sort of (not desperate but I know that not having social connections is harming me and want to fix it for my own long-term happiness).

Help? What is likely going on here? (I know the answer is probably “be patient, there’s still time left, remind him closer to the time” but my history of not fitting in and social isolation is making me feel extremely negative about the whole thing and like humiliation is just around the corner)

  1. Hmm, it sounds like your coworker might have just forgotten to get back to you

    It happens sometimes, especially if it’s not a priority for them

    Don’t jump to conclusions though – give it some more time and maybe remind him closer to the day.

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