My parents do not ever want me to get a job because of social anxiety should I never try because I’m not allow to do anything or try new things

  1. Oh dear. You should do what you feel you’re up to. You need the experience and practice. They are only protecting themselves from worry disguised as concern for you. Life is about sharing yourself and experiencing life, you should be doing that. And not to be mean, but your parents aren’t going to live forever, you need to learn the only way to dampen your social anxiety is to keep exposing yourself to what you think you fear. It would be worse for you to spend years protected, be left on your own without your own resources and experience. It’s not easy and that’s okay, you could be way more adept than you know. And you’re allowed to fail, figure things out with them as a safety net, for now.

  2. Good on you for actually wanting to adapt to how the world is instead of expecting them to change for you. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve worked with that are like “i’M aUtisTic I CaN’t dO It”. I think you’re incredibly brave and I think when you get out into the real world you’ll be a success.

  3. Get a freaking job, If I could get a job when I was 15 I would do it with social anxiety the younger the better

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