Hello there,

Me (26F) was single the last 6 years. I come from an abusive household and abusive relationships. I isolated myself and now I am trying to date again because I feel like I deserve to feel love, give love and be loved.

Now, as soon as I meet a guy, I get emotionally extremely attached. All the lightheartedness I had at first vanishes and what’s left is a jealous and possessive woman who just wants to spend 24/7 of her time with their partner.

If they tell me they don’t have time I immediately think they don’t like me anymore and plan to abandon me.. so I crave for more validation, resulting in: strange behavior, passive-aggressiveness, constant message-checking and, not so obvious, clinging.

Any experiences? Anyone? Will I be able to have a healthy and peaceful relationship someday?

1 comment
  1. I (24M) have been in a somewhat similar spot although to a lesser degree. I’ve been single for about 5 years and so the lack of attention from women has made me a bit clingy when I take interest. I’m self aware enough to keep the clingy thoughts to myself but they are there. I just have to keep reminding myself that they have their own things going on just like I do. Just take some deep breaths and relax. If you think it is a serious enough problem, maybe seek out some therapy. It could possibly be related to the trauma from your past and won’t be resolved by some randos on Reddit.

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