I feel like I’m constantly overthinking and over analyzing everything, I’m always feel like I’m being judged and I read too much into peoples action. Even though I realize this, I can’t really stop it from happening. Don’t even get me started on when I make a mistake since I replay it in my head. I feel like this really gets in the way of meeting new people and having an enjoyable experience. Anyone have any advice?

  1. If you die tomorow, do you will think about it all day or try to live ?

  2. I can completely relate to this. I have yet to find a solution that works. But I have been advised by my psychiatrist that the only way to do it is to train myself to stop thinking of myself as less valuable than other people and to stop giving other peoples opinions the power to hurt me. Apparently there’s no quick fix and it just takes time and intentional work. So… that’s fun for us.

  3. It’s simple. When you catch yourself overthinking, say to yourself “Buddy, you’re overthinking. Stop it.” Do this long enough and it’ll become natural. This worked for me. But it took time and vigilance.

    Shucks, I’ve been working on this for years and just last week I caught myself overthinking a text response. But I stopped myself and said, Ah fuck it. It’s fine. Lol And if it’s not, then I’ll deal w it.

    Because look, a lot of the times we do this, we really can’t possibly know what the other person’s feeling or thinking unless they express it. At best we can judge by their body language. My policy is I take people at their word unless they give me a reason not to. So speculating is pointless and unproductive unless feeling anxious is your goal. Which it isn’t.

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