I have noticed that every time I give my boyfriend head he finishes himself. He will he will just stand up and jerk off for a couple seconds until he the orgasm. I don’t know if there’s a reason behind this, if it’s common? But it makes me feel like I’m not doing a good job. And it’s as if I’m not even the one making him finish. I may just be overthinking, but I’m scared he thinks I’m bad without telling me.

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  2. Best thing you can do is talk to him. I’m someone who enjoys BJ’s ideologically but I have a hard time cumming during. It could just be that but you won’t know for sure unless you ask.

  3. This is such a porn thing to do, so it might just be part of his fantasy. You clearly bring him to the edge, otherwise it will take him much longer to finish. So no need to feel insecure. Best to talk to him and ask. Might ask him to finish in your mouth it turns you on, or something like that.

  4. He might be doing a porn thing. But some guys, like myself, have a hard time completing from oral and need other things. (Usually a finger in the bum to hit the easy button.)

  5. You know the answer.

    Improve your skills, search in Google, there are plenty of guides

  6. Are you his first? Could be a past partner didn’t like having a guy cum in her mouth and he just learned not to.

  7. You’re getting him close, which is good. Some guys have a hard time finishing from oral, myself included.

    If you set aside your insecurity, are you OK with him finishing that way? Are you satisfied? If yes, relax and enjoy it.

  8. Could he be trying to just not finish on you and direct it towards somewhere less messy?

    Agree with asking him and/or telling him how you want him to finish

  9. My bf does this too. He’s never had to say “I’m about to cum” to make sure I’m ready because he’s never cum while he’s in my mouth.

    I know that it’s not because I’m bad at it, he actually told me in the beginning of our relationship that he doesn’t really like blowjobs that much, but after I asked to give him one initially he now wants one every time we are intimate lol

    I think it’s just that his preferred and easiest way to actually reach completion is when I’m talking dirty into his ear while he jerks off. He often has trouble with orgasming, so I don’t mind providing him whatever context works best for him. I also can’t cum from oral either (pure clit stimulation just doesn’t really get me there), and I wouldn’t want him to make judgements based on that about me, so I don’t make judgements about him based on his ability to cum during oral either.

    I wouldn’t read too much into it, if he didn’t like blowjobs he would probably not want you to give them to him in the first place.

  10. I have never cum from head after 50+ partners, no matter how good it was.

    Idk if it’s a pressure/headspace thing, but I’m sure other men are the same and you’re doing fine!

    Ask him to let you know what he likes while you’re doing it

  11. Some of us get VERY sensitive the moment we cum, so it immediately goes from pleasurable to painful if stimulation continues.

  12. 1) he saw this in porn n just assumes thats what hes supposed to do

    2) he has a difficult time finishing from oral sex (which isnt uncommon for some guys)

    3) a previous partner told him not to cum in their mouth so hes just assuming that you also dont like that

    4) some combination of the above 3?

    Generally speaking if he cums youre doing fine but if it really bothers you, you shouldnt be afraid to have a conversation about it… communication is key!

  13. Well next Time don’t hesitate to tell him you want to do it by yourself. He won’t refuse .

  14. I wouldn’t worry about it.
    I sometimes like to finish off myself after oral and/or penetration, because it’s not always possible to ‘shoot’ as good otherwise. Maybe it’s just because what I’m used to.
    Having an orgasm inside can feel a bit restricted somehow.

    If he’s finishing himself on top of you, it might be a whole different thing :p

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