my friend and i are close, so we can talk for hours on the phone easily. i never know how to say goodbye when it starts getting late, especially when there’s no breaks in the conversation. she never runs out of things to talk about or say, it’s one of my favorite things about her, but how do i say goodbye without cutting her off? or if i do cut her off, how is it not rude? i almost feel like i need to have an excuse prepared for why i need to leave at a certain time, but i don’t want to lie to her. i’m hopelessly awkward at goodbyes

  1. Learn to talk over people like this – clearly say “Hey, friend, its getting late” followed by platitudes like “I loved talking to you but I have work in the morning”+ if you want to “Lets talk more tomorrow?”.

  2. There’s a trick from the midwest of the US that might come in handy as a soft signal.

    Imagine yourself standing from a seating position. You’ll probably pull a little breath in, brace yourself on your knees with your hands to push yourself up, and then there’s that short grunt as you rise to your feet.

    That noise, combined with a short “Welp.” Is usually the universal signal of conversation coming to a close. It serves as a good intro to more expressive platitudes; the goodbyes, well wishes, whatnot.

    As was also stated, there’s a difference to an interruption to note that you need to go, and an interruption because you are Being Rude. “Hey sorry, I’d love to keep chatting but I need to get going.” is a complete phrase that needs no further embellishment. If you are asked? Just say the next thing you’re doing errand-wise outside of the house. Play with the phrasing to see what sounds most natural for you. Known and Canned Phrases can be powerful but feel a little awkward, so I’m always fond of the personal touch, as long as the message still carries through.

    But yeah. I’m fond of the Welp. It has served me pretty well.

  3. You shift your tone of voice and say, “Well I’ll let you go now, but it’s been great talking with you!”

    If you have to bust into one of her fast-moving monologues, so be it.

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