Hello! About 2 months ago I started college. It’s been a big accomplishment for me, as getting in my course in this uni is very hard.
The classes are very hard and I usually have no free time. I wake up around 6:30 am, get ready, catch a 40 minute bus ride to get to the campus, stay there until around 6 pm, then get home around 7. After eating and taking a shower, I already have to go to bed so I’m not sleepy during class the next day. What I mean is, I’m basically living and breathing college. I made plenty of friends there, and most of the stuff we talk about ends up revolving around college stuff.
Last week my brother came to visit me, as I moved to be able to study here, and I noticed everything I talked about was college related. I felt more and more boring as the day passed and even apologized to him about how much I was talking about it. He said there was no problem, and it made sense as I’m living the college life now, but I talked to our mom later and she told me he told her he was worried about me.
When I go home on the weekend and get together with my friends, again, I’m kinda boring and feel like I never have anything to talk about that isn’t about my college friends, or my professors, or something about what I’m learning about. I feel bad because I just wanna break out of this student mode and be able to have more interesting things to talk to people about and not be like a little studying robot. I feel like people are not interested at all in these things I have to say but i don’t know what else to do because it’s all that is on my mind.
Or maybe this isn’t a problem at all and I’m making it all up and worrying too much about nothing.
Any help?

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