I (18M) broke up with my ex (18F) through text since we were both on vacation and I had no opportunity to see her. After she saw the text, she called me completely destroyed that I didn’t at least call. I sent her an apology text on insta and offered to call her and explain which she didn’t want to do. Our relationship was hectic due to her and thats why we’ve broken up but i still love her. It’s been a little more than a week now and I’m wondering if I should call her?

TL;DR Broke up with my ex in an immature now should I contact her after a week?

  1. I feel there’s no reason to call her now. What’s done is done. Move on and learn from this.

  2. You didn’t even do her the courtesy of a phone call or face-to-face breakup. You don’t get closure on this one. She said she wasn’t interested in hearing your explanation. She’s done, leave her alone.

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