So I know that im attracted to women but I remember when I was 12-13 watching this straight porn video once and I remember focusing on the guy and being turned on by him. I also watch MMF threesome videos and sometimes I focus on the guy or id imagine myself having sex with the guy.

Im still more into women and I’ve never had a crush on a guy.

  1. Wouldn’t worry about it – men and women are both fine to be attracted to so why limit yourself or out yourself in a box that doesn’t suit. Seems to me like you have twice as many options as most people do so personally I’d be delighted if I were you. Good luck working out what works for you, enjoy the journey.

  2. im just going to say that sexuality is a spectrum, you might just be attracted to guys sexually but you never know maybe you need to have more intimate relationship with a guy in order to have a crush?

  3. Go out and experiment and see for yourself, don’t pressure yourself into labelling yourself as one thing or another just enjoy your life and keep on fuckin 🙅🏻‍♂️

  4. Sexuality and attraction are a spectrum and not quite as neat and clean as labels make them out to be. It’s important to recognize and accept that your sexuality is pretty well fixed within certain boundaries and whatever you are, it’s ok. You might have some level of sexual attraction to men. That doesn’t mean all men, maybe certain men catch your eye. That doesn’t mean you want to be in a loving relationship with a man either. Sex is sex, romance is romance. Two different things. Gay men aren’t sexually attracted to women, so you could be mostly straight, you could be bi. It is what it is.

    I’ve known since I was a teen that I’ve had some level of sexual attraction to men but I’ve always been more attracted to women. That hasn’t changed in decades, I’ve only just come to accept it more and be more open to it with time. My porn habits are about the same as they were decades ago.

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