I’ve been dating a girl for 3 months now and we just had sex for the first time with each other. She said that i made her finish and that her ex could never make her do that and i took her word for it since she was moaning pretty loudly. I felt pretty good about myself but then realized she could have just said that to make me feel better about my performance. Im going over to her house in a few days and she’s been hinting and wanting to have sex again and try a few other things. She told me that she likes to get eaten out but none of my ex’s ever let me do that so i don’t have any experience and im not sure if i’ll be able to actually please her. In then end I just want to show her that I can do better than any of her ex’s ever could and want to make her feel good. If anyone could give me tips on how to improve or what to try i would appreciate it because to my knowledge she’s done a lot of things with her previous boyfriend so I want to show her i can also please her as much as they could.

1 comment
  1. Best thing you can do is show willingness – ideally excitement – to eat her out. Listen to what feels good for her and try to use this experience as a jumping off point. Is your first time going to be mind blowing? Probably not – but it’s a win if you can show her you’re interested in something that she expressed interest in, and come away with some things you can build on going forward. From a practical standpoint, try different motions (side to side, up and down, circular, etc.) with your tongue and see how she reacts (what feels good for her, if she gives you any feedback). You can also give her some control if you want and say something like “I really want to go down on you, and I don’t mind if you move my head to help me find your clit” or if she’s comfortable touching herself in front of you, have her start touching herself and put your head in between her legs to join the party. Don’t get too in your head about whether she finishes because again, this (hopefully) isn’t going to be the last time you go down on her and it can be great foreplay regardless of whether she gets off from it. Your goal to be better than her ex’s is a great long term goal, lol, but nothing you need to worry about now as you’re working on your chemistry with her

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