So I’ve noticed a trend that my sex drive in my early twenties was higher than it was as a teenager, and now its gotten to the point where its just frustrating.

I usually masturbate each night, or if not, the next morning, but masturbation doesn’t always satisfy me anymore. Sometimes I can finish and still feel like that’s done barely anything for me. It used to be that once I finished, it was all said and done and that was that for at least another day.

Now I can finish and feel like I could go again.

I suspect it could be both mental and physical. I’ve been feeling somewhat down recently, but I thought that usually lowered your sex drive. I’m also somewhat out of shape; probably the worst shape I’ve ever been in, but again, rather than dampening my sex drive its seemingly had no effect.

I’m just not used to feeling this horny so often. A part of me hates it because I feel like I’ve got no self-control and I just need to restrain myself a bit more. It bothers me because my lifestyle has been pretty consistent for months, and still it keeps on getting worse.

I thought long periods of inactivity/laziness was meant to lower your sex drive. I’ve read that a lack of exercise can be a culprit, but even on the days when I am active it still doesn’t seem to help much.

I don’t know if this is just due to my age or if my current lifestyle is affecting me, but I’d like to know if any other guys out there went through a similar thing in their mid-twenties.

I feel slightly overwhelmed by how strong these feelings are so I’d glad for some help/advice from anyone out there.

  1. Many people go through this. The best thing you can do is find a partner with an equally high sex drive.

  2. If you don’t have a partner, what worked for me back when I was insanely horny was daily weight training. It’s like a different outlet for testosterone.

  3. I’m 27 and my sex drive is throughout the roof. I can’t stand it anymore. But Iknow that it will drop soon

  4. I’m a (33F) and I have used my high sex drive (and lack of having sex due to not wanting random hookups and not having time to date) to use that energy in the gym. I feel sexy when I’m turned on and feeling sexy while working out helps you get a good work out in plus get your confidence up physically and mentally to eventually get a partner or person you want to have sex with. Just saying it works for me, don’t know how well it would work for a guy.

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