How often do you take your girl out on a date ?

  1. Very rarely, she’s the one who takes the lead on that sort of thing. Sometimes it’s typical dates, sometimes it’s her and her girl friends picking out cute stuff for me to wear.

  2. Broke up with too many chicks cuz i never go out except for work or night Rides so i need to either find a hooker/night girl or stay single , either Way i am happy with it.

  3. My wife and I go out at least once on every set of days off she has. Sometimes it’s as simple as going to the arcade and watching while she masterfully claims stuffed animals from crane games, but we always make sure to have time alone.

  4. Like once a week…it would be more but we share bank accounts and have bigger dreams than that.

  5. As Often As I can, but an outing like twice a month. Three if a good movie is out

  6. What is considered a date, if you live together? We do some outside activity maybe every other weekend, sometimes more often.

  7. Error 404: girlfriend not found.

    I’d love a girl I could take hiking every Saturday, as I do on my own now.

  8. What girl? I’m banned on tinder for being to ugly. Sure as hell isn’t getting any likes…

  9. Not that often. Lately, i feel pretty sick when eating in restaurants, like about to vomit sick. i don’t even know why, because if we get take out from the same restaurant, everything is fine. So i avoid it as often as possible and suggest take out instead, which i wouldn’t consider a date then.

  10. At least once a week there has to be a date night. If it’s more than that then even better. Remember fellas, never stop conquering your other half.

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