Went to an escort recently, for my first time (not first time having sex, I have prior experience). And something about the encounter just felt so off to me, idk if it’s cuz I’m more used to intimate encounters but I’ll spill the details and explain my concerns and hopefully you guys can clear it up.

I met her in her hotel room, and she looked nothing like the girl on the escort page, so immediately she was a catfish, but I was already there so I thought why not, she looked half decent.

She told me no kissing no foreplay, and that I just lie in bed and get comfortable. I noticed her lock screen on her phone were 2 babies, and so I immediately began to overthink, I asked her if she knows what she’s doing and do I need to worry about any stds or pregnancy, she got really annoyed and answered with the same response over and over again “I know what I’m doing, you’re fine”. I tried asking if she was on the pill, same response: “I know what I’m doing, you’re fine”. She wouldn’t let me put the condom on myself and instead she did it, the only issue was that she did not pinch the reservoir tip, and she did not wait for me to get hard, she immediately put it on and started stroking and sucking until I was hard. I tried reminding her to pinch the tip and wait for me to get hard, to which she replied “I’ve been doing this for a long time”.

I finished in the rubber in missionary afterwards and tried my best to withdraw while holding the base but her hands got in the way cuz I think she was trying to do it herself, accidentally pinched her and she got a little annoyed. I noticed that barely any of the semen was caught at the tip and instead if was all on the side of the condom, i showed it to her and she said “you’re fine” even though to me it didn’t looked fine, I’ve never had an encounter where all the semen was on the side of the condom. I tried my best to inspect it, I didn’t notice any leaking or any holes, and when I carefully took it off I tried checking again but didn’t see anything. But there wasn’t much lighting in the room so I’m worried if maybe I missed something, she seemed so careless and even though she insisted she knew what she was doing, she really didn’t convince me or say anything else that reassured me or proved that she did in fact know what she was doing besides “I know what I’m doing”.

Is it normal for majority of the semen to get caught on the side of the condom? Did the escort maybe have alternative motives like baby trapping or was she just stupid? Or am I being stupid and this was a perfectly safe encounter?

  1. I’ve came so much before that cum was not just in the tip, but down around the sides.

  2. Yeah it seems that to you’re overthinking a bit

    As you’ve described it, it looks like a safe encounter.

    Keep in mind that having sex with a sex worker (even with protection) increases the risk of getting STDs.

    Get tested for you safety and the safety of your next partners.

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