Have have a potential opportunity to move to the UK. Just wondering how it might go. I’d love to take it, but I’m scared I won’t be able to integrate socially.

  1. Just leaving my placeholder here for when this kicks off as soon as the country wakes up.

    Smash 🤦🏻‍♂️

  2. Unfortunately, while your women worship us, I think ours are mostly ambivalent about you guys. The American accent is just a bit boring, I’m afraid.

  3. I think for some people who want to move to the UK who already speak English there is a perception that it will be quite easy, however we Brits are a strange group. In the US you may be used to people speaking quite frankly, but in the UK our use of language is very nuanced. We have customs, history and linguistic traits that can be baffling to those not born here. There’s a great podcast done by a German comedian Henning Wehn, who lives in the UK that gives some great examples of this – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02vfbk

    Britain can be a great place to live, but you will need to expect a considerable time to adjust to our ways. Don’t expect to turn up and fit in immediately as it is very different to the US.

  4. In my experience you need to come in with some humility and the realisation that the world isn’t America and things are different here. It’s actually really easy to integrate if you don’t get your back up about some gentle ribbing when you do something “wrong” or pronounce a word differently.

    You’ll honestly be fine if you don’t act like a dick.

  5. Have you got a southern accent? That’s the only American accent I can recall hearing Brits note any attraction towards. Other than that, you’ll probably find being American offers no particular advantage or disadvantage. There’s loads of Americans here, unless you move to a small town you won’t be that unusual.

    As for fitting in generally, the language gives you a good advantage. But don’t overestimate how similar our cultures are just because of that. There’s lots of things you will find strange, and lots of things you’ll say and do that Brits will find strange. But that doesn’t mean you won’t integrate. The UK is generally very open to people from other cultures, especially in the bigger cities.

  6. You’ll integrate fine as long as you realise the world doesn’t revolve around America and pretty much no one here will care that you’re American. Just don’t be a dick.

  7. Don’t talk about “smashing” women aka don’t be an arsehole and you’ll be fine.

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