I really feel like it is.. Every group Iv ever been a part of, I always feel like the odd one out because I can’t make everyone else laugh. The ones in the group that make people laugh are always the ones that everyone likes the most, and for good reason too. Making people laugh iis great, and makes people feel good, as well as yourself. Yet, I lack the social ques required for timing jokes.. or common insight into what makes people laugh.

I don’t even try to make jokes anymore, because I’m always afraid of making myself look like a complete idiot. People say put yourself out there, and be confident, but that’s all empty advice they don’t truly understand what its like to be socially awkward. My lack of confidence today is exactly because I tried putting myself out there, and fail epicly everyime. I’m sick of making myself look like a fool.

And to the people who say “being funny doesn’t matter” well then, how can I make people enjoy being around me then like those that can make people laugh? I can’t tell you guys how much it hurts when I see people in every social group I’m in, smile at those people more than people will ever smile at me.

1 comment
  1. Indeed not being funny is not something adding to you socially
    But let me ask you something. What do you thing you are good at socially? What would be your goldie skill with people ? Not everyone can be the heart of the party but you can have good social value somewhere else

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