Not as in that I don’t want to, or don’t ever get the desire to, just that (especially in the beginning) I picture/think about/want all of the other aspects (doing things together, cuddling, saying cute things, etc.) and being sexually intimate with them just isn’t the first thing on my mind. I know a lot of people’s initial reaction to an attractive person is “omg I want to F them” and that’s just never a thing for me.

  1. Not at all. This is how I feel about men, being a bisexual. I feel comfortable doing sexual acts with women, but with men I am not. You can very well be moreso emotionally attracted than physically/sexually. Completely normal, friend

  2. Any kind of sexual intercourse, for some people is kept for a committed relationship. If that’s how you feel, stick to it. My daughter found out that, by telling her dates that she would not be intimate until she was in a committed relationship or marriage, of 6 guys who asked her out, 4 went running for the hills. She met 2 real nice guys who respected her thinking.

  3. You might be in the asexual spectrum while still being fine with having sex and wanting relationships. Obviously this doesn’t have to mean anything to you, but this experience does happen in the community.

  4. I mean it depends who you ask. I am about the exact same as you with this. I’m not gonna babble on and on

  5. That sounds completely normal. I feel the exact same way. I want to have sex when I feel an intense emotional connection with someone, but outside of fleeting thoughts I don’t initially think about having sex with them.

  6. This is actually common in Latinamerica, when guys really fall in love with a woman, they don’t think sexually about her, it’s the last thing they think about.

    They just imagine spending time with the girl, hanging out, wanting to have her children xD

    It’s a whole ass meme, but yeah it doesn’t happen to everyone, but it’s common enough that when it happens guys joke between each other like, ” En verdad que estás bien enamorado, míralo! “

  7. Yea, that’s super weird. Humans are one of the few mammals that are wired to have a year round “breeding season”.

  8. Not strange, I’m exactly the same, always been. Sex is the last thing on my mind, at least in the beginning, there are many other more important experiences I want to have with a guy, before sex. In fact doing things together, cuddling, kissing, feel more exciting and rewarding than sex. Glad I’m not alone, I was starting to think that I was!

  9. Not weird at all. You might tend toward responsive desire (you are turned on once things are already getting sexy) as opposed to spontaneous desire (you feel sexual desire for someone attractive out of the blue). You might also find the term “demisexual” helpful (you are only attracted to someone once you’ve formed a close emotional bond).

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