For context, I’m 22M. For the past 6 years I’ve been dating, and looking back it always follows the same pattern, which is:

1) I go on a date
2) At the start of the date, I think that I’m not that into the girl
3) The date goes really well, and I start to believe I like this girl
4) The date ends and I can’t stop thinking about them
5) We either end up intensely dating, which then turns into a relationship, which eventually burns out as we overlook the differences in our values, or
6) The girl isn’t interested in me in that way, but I’m still thinking about her loads. Not for a long time, maybe only a week, but it’s annoying as fuck during that week.

Does anyone else feel like this? Or does anyone have a helpful outsiders opinion?

Thanks in advance

  1. I have a friend like this. I am convinved he’s more in love with the prospect of what could be than the actual person. He wants to have that being in love feeling and that best friend type of love so bad that he doesn’t even check if he’ actually into the person. Part of it is also him focusing intently on them liking him and getting this validation of being wanted gives him butterflies. But it’s never about that specific girl.

  2. You’re not asking the right questions to get to know them if you don’t understand their values until you’re in a relationship

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