I hate teenagers. I am 23f and I am surrounded by them. I worked at this small restaurant and it was ran by ugly teenagers and the girls were fat, I was skinny, so I’m sure you can see how brutal they were. The managers didn’t do there jobs so it was left to the teens who didn’t even work. I would get yelled at if something wasn’t right because I was “the adult.”

I got a new job and teens would come in and they were so rude and acted like they were better than me. I cannot believe this is my life.

I laughed once and I have a weird laugh and they just mocked me. I couldn’t think one day because I was stressed and I couldn’t do math and think about how old this kid was he just turned 18 and they mocked me like “figure it out yet?”

I hate them. I am an easy target and I am already dealing with enough as it is. I have been to two psycwards trying to kill myself. I am upset because I cannot live my life when it’s something embarrassing.

Can someone help me deal with this?

  1. i think talking to a therapist is a good idea. also change jobs, maybe find aplace that doesn’t require to have much public interactions till you are healed.

  2. I wish I knew an easy solution but I can at least say that as someone who is 18 I know how cruel they can be. I graduated a bit ago but when I was in school everyone was ruthless. Even in public now still they’re complete asshats. You wouldn’t believe the amount of fights that would break out frequently at school because everyone is so edgy and snarky. It’s like all anyone cares about is showing dominance and superiority. I think my generation is genuinely more toxic than the ones before us. So many inflated egos and a big contributor is social media addiction and the abundance of negative influencers which has created and fueled it for many. All I can say is you’re not alone and also you could try a job with less interactions with others and a calmer environment. Maybe in a library or something similar. Maybe try odd jobs like gigs on fiver if you have a knack for voice acting or joining uber that way you can take on less hours

    Other than that maybe consider college? You might be able to have it all covered and then some so you can just go to school with hopefully older people, get a degree for a better job, and at the same time avoid working with teens if you get enough aid to pay for existing for the time being. Or try for disability if your mental health is at a point where you’re suicidal and struggle with work you might be able to make a claim and get enough benefits to not work until you are in a better place. I’m not sure how legit these options are but I’m just throwing out things that I myself have considered.

    Feeling trapped like that is awful. I believe in you, you’ve got this

  3. Change your mindset. You’re only there to make money at this point. Making lifelong friends is not an option. So keep something else on your mind when you’re there. Don’t give your work 100% and don’t give it your heart. You’re all still kids pretty much. Just remember that. They’re literally dumb as shit

    I wish I could give you more advice.

  4. I agree w some of these replies I would tell myself I’m coming into work so I can clock out of work don’t gaf about anyone there Ik it gets lonely too but I been there I had to take a break from working but I’ve only gotten more depressed I am now going to work at a less stressful job a daycare down the street

  5. “I am an easy target”

    This. This is how you fix it. Stop being an easy target, stop complaining and talk back… I can’t believe that some people just…… choose to be victims for the rest of their lives. Therapy? Nah. Stop being a lil bitch and talk back to them like those spoiled brats deserve it. Get fucking angry, as you should. Oh, boohoo, fat teens bullied you for being skinny, oh no, poor you. So brutal, oh no. So, what did they do? Did they wash your hair in the toilet? Did they beat you up? Did they record videos of you naked and sent them to all of your friends?

    The way I see it, you don’t know what brutal is and you don’t know what real bullying is. Stand up to those lil cowardy bitches. Wild animals will try to use you, bite you and eat you. How do you think did they train lions or elephants to listen to humans???? They did it with stuff like electric impulses. A lion is not your friend, it’s trained to not attack you or it’s treated with electricity. Period. What makes you thing human society doesn’t work in the same way as the jungle does?? Mature elephants kill baby lion cubs. A mother bird that lost her husband will stop feeding the weakest baby and will let it die if she can’t find abundance of food. Don’t pigs do the same thing? Which forces farmers to manually feed some of the weakest piglets? Not even the jungle, even farms work like this. The faster you realize that the only person that can save you is yourself, the faster you will become happy.

  6. Don’t take this the wrong way. You come off like an extremely judgemental person, I can recognize that because I am also very judgemental of others. The downside is you are also very insecure and take things very personally. I really don’t think these teenage customers are personally invested in making you feel bad, I think you might just feel insecure in your job and seeing others suceed makes you resentful.

  7. you need to get over yourself, man. Take a joke. Laugh at yourself. It’s not that serious. They’re teenagers why do you give so much of a shit? You were a teenager only 4 years ago.

  8. We teach people how to treat us. Imagine someone who appears confident to you was in the same situation. How would they reply?

  9. I’m assuming you work in retail? If that’s the case I suggest getting used to working well with teenagers or work in an environment or store that caters to an older crowd.

    I swear teens can smell fear. Stand your ground and don’t take shit from anyone.

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