I’m leaving my summer job at the end of the month and met some really cool people my age whom I’d like to stay in touch with. I feel too awkward to send them a follow request and was wondering if anyone’s got a smooth, non-cringy way to ask for their Instagram. TIA!

  1. Jump in the deep end and just ask them. The only reason people have social media is for other people to see it.

    Whatever they say, yes or no, that was going to be their answer regardless of how asked the question.

    Or don’t ask, and spend the next 5-10 years wondering what the answer would have been. Because that sounds like fun.

  2. Just ask them, are you on ig? Follow my ig and i’ll follback yours, don’t worry about it. Or just flatter them first. “Are you on ig? you definetely got so many followers aren’t you? follow me and I’ll follback you, don’t worry bout it”

  3. “Hey what’s your instagram”

    Honestly if you add a lot more to that it’ll be more likely to sound weird than just keeping it to the point.

  4. “Hey, i like to keep in touch with tou. Do you have instagram?” Could include any form of contact information: facebook, discord, phone number, etc.

  5. You’re gonna make it cringe by trying to be smooth. Be like “what’s your handle, I wanna keep in touch” at the very most.. less is more. Literally just requesting them is fine. Verbally addressing that youve done so is so that you can flirt with them. Making it “smooth” crosses over into cringe territory bc you look insecure (which, be honest with yourself, you are, bc you’re here asking us – which is FINE! Use us and get it out of your system. Let them only see the best version of yourself.)

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