SWM36 have never technically dated, closest is group activities. Used to be as my best friend says a ladies man, which I may have been. Use to hit on women a lot but really lost confidence after finding out several women in a row were married or getting married. Normally I don’t hit on married or engaged women and always wish them well if possible. This happened after my time at college. Sufficiently to say I’ve been in a rut for over a decade and it’s gotten to the point I’m about to give up even considering dating.
I work with several people who are either divorced, separated, or they are known for being lotharios (m or f).
Between not wanting to have anything to do with dating a coworker and the fact I have no energy after work what should I do? I don’t do bars and I’m caretaker for a parent with Parkinson’s and by extension live with them. I’m giving it a couple more tries then calling it quits. Thank you for letting me vent.

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