i’m a pretty socially anxious person and i’ve been in the same set of schools near my family’s house for several years. i have a small and tight-knit friend group i’ve known for probably 3rd grade…?

my dad has been searching for his dream house to move in for a few years, and since the prices are rising he decided to finally buy a house that isn’t so bad but isn’t so great either.

i’m very self conscious of my appearance, i’m amab but i identify as nonbinary. i’ve been letting my hair grow out and my friends are used to it, but i’m really scared about switching schools because i feel so out of place with my feminine appearance while my clothing style is obviously for boys (i don’t have a job yet and i use hand-me-downs from my older brother).

it’s a few hours until my first day and i don’t think i know how to make friends on my own and i don’t think someone will come up to me to talk because i seem so strange.

how do i stop being so insecure about myself and what’s the best approach to making friends?

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