I’m sorry if this has been asked before. I’m 33F and a single mother and I struggle with body image because, well a lot of reasons. Health issues, bad marriage, etc. I’m not currently actively dating around, but eventually I want to start and I would like to know if weight and/or having some features be more “pronounced” than others will make a difference.

Edit to add: When I say plus size, I mean within range of about 250 lbs and very, *very* large bra cup sizes. Ladies that have more gut than butt. Broad man shoulders, etc.

Edit 2 for clarity: The weight is a result of chronic health conditions. The weight did not cause the conditions. It wasn’t negligence or laziness. Some things are out of my control but I do strive for health as best I can. So with that in mind, how much of a difference would that make?

  1. Generally, I’d say that 90% of sex appeal is in your attitude and how you carry yourself. There are limits, of course. “Plus size” can cover a lot of ground. But if you haven’t had tabloid TV do a special on how you live, odds are you’re good to go. You just need to embrace your inner slut (and I say that as a good thing).

  2. Depends entirely on the person. In fact both people. I know “plus size” people who are still very attractive, and I know *superficially* attractive people who are so unpleasant I wouldn’t touch them with a bargepole. Some men only date skinny women, some men only date larger women, the majority of men don’t have a fixed type and everyone is case by case.

    It’s always a numbers game, about almost everything really. People more “typically” attractive might have an easier time finding *someone* to date, but that doesn’t mean they’ll find *good* people to date. Anyone who might have slightly less broad appeal, for whatever reason, just needs to cast a wider net, take more time, whatever. Just because any of us might have a slightly harder time dating than some other people, doesn’t mean it makes any real difference in the long run.

  3. The term “chubby chasers” exists for a reason.

    I personally don’t find obesity attractive because it’s scientifically proven that obesity leads to myriad health problems down the road. I want to live a long life with my partner and avoid diabetes, mobility issues, etc. I am not a spring chicken but I try to maintain healthy habits.

  4. I personally couldn’t get that much weight for sexual attraction and would instantly friend-zone. I think chubby is a large as I could go for being sexually attracted. Not really a choice in the matter for what does it for me. Nothing wrong with you. Just being honest.

  5. Yes I find plus size women attractive. I would just be worried she is unhappy and with medical difficulties over time.

  6. No.

    250 is morbidly obese, not plus size.

    OP, forget dating, you need to take care of your health. You kid depends on it.

  7. I’m on the much bigger size as a man, and I’m starting to lose weight, a lot is made of body positivity and championing differences, which is good in that people should not be judged on their appearance, but there should not be promotion of health conditions which are detrimental to your lifestyle in future years. One thing I will tell you, you are 33, the difference between your weight at 33 and 43 is enormous, especially on your back, knees and hips. It doesn’t mean you aren’t sexy, sexy is in the mind of the beholder

  8. I have seen some attractive “plus size” women pull it off, but they usually have insane genetics where the weight distribution still gives them a propotionally small waist and the fat in places men generally find appealing.

    “More gut than butt” does not qualify.

  9. There are a lot of plus-size men out there. I’m sure there are dating services that cater to plus-size people. By focusing your search on people with your same body type, you’ll hopefully eliminate that as a source of anxiety surrounding dating.

  10. It’s a fetish among a small sunset of men, which is going to limit partner opportunities. For most men, though, it’s going to be a significant negative trait.

  11. I started taking my fitness seriously about a year ago. The changes I made, made it 100x easier to date for me. I’m proud of myself.

    The goal is to work on yourself so damn much, that the others will envy you and seek you out.

    I like to date active women. Look in the mirror and decide who you are. If you want the equivalent of yourself, good for you. If you don’t, then work on yourself before expecting anything else.

  12. Hubby and I both find some plus sized woman to be attractive but so much of it is around their sensuality attracting us rather than any specific body type.

  13. Why does it matter what a couple dozen strangers on the Internet say?

    People carry their weight differently. You’re trying to make it seem that you have these huge sexy boobs, but that’s just your opinion. Pair them with a huge gut and a wide, square, flat butt, and that’s not a crowd pleaser.

    I do notice that every morbidly obese person on “My 600 Pound Life” has a partner, if that helps.

  14. As I’ve gotten older and put on weight myself, I‘ve become more open-minded and accepting of this in other people.

    Still, I think a distinction needs to be made between “find attractive” and “don’t find unattractive “.

  15. I have dated and been very attracted to women in the 200-250 pound range, though it is less a matter of weight to me than shape. The same goes for lighter women too. The important things are to get your body to where you are healthy and you feel good about how you look. Bear in mind that healthy means you are able to do normal things and whatever you want and not suffer for it unduly. Confidence is sexy, and every body is attractive to somebody.

  16. Obesity, the vast majority of the time, is a result of a lack of impulse control.

    Not attractive for the same reason that alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, angry outbursts are not attractive.

    Unfortunately, those other issues are easier to hide than obesity, but that is just the way it is.

  17. Nope, my rule of thumb is that I don’t date girls that weight more than me.

    If you want to date a man with high value, be healthy, look healthy.

  18. Based on your edit, no.

    But it really depends. I’ve known women who carry more weight very well. They tend to be very hour glass shaped, and maybe pear shaped on occasion. Unfortunately the apple and straight shaped women I’ve known tend to not have aestheticslly pleasing distributions of weight.

    As always, rules #1 and #2 persist here. Being well fed and following rule 1 and 2 is easier, but crossing into a line where it appears to be a medical issue is unattractive.

  19. No.

    Liberty is a wonderful thing — but it seems nowadays everyone wants liberty without accountability.

    Aside from exceptions, being “plus size” is just bad mismanagement of given liberty. And when dating / attractive people often look for the best “healthy” match subconsciously and “plus size” doesn’t necessarily exude health.

  20. I’m very fit myself and work hard to stay fit and prefer my partners to be in the same boat. There are many guys who have no issue with larger women but a lot of these guys may have some lbs on them themselves. As long as you don’t mind dating them, you will be just fine.

  21. There is a guy for every shape and size. Having said that, I can guarantee that with every 20 lbs you lose down to a normal BMI, you will find more men find you increasingly and noticeably more attractive. No matter what the women tell you this is the truth.

  22. Yes it matters to me. It’s also a great indicator of how you are able to handle your own life.

    I always took a lot of weight when i was unhappy in my relations or with myself. Maybe It’s projection, but it’s how i feel.

  23. I’ll give a straight answer. A little overweight is fine. Very overweight (like a BMI over 35) is not attractive to me.

    Also because obese people generally don’t have very active lifestyles and there’s a fair chance that being with an inactive obese woman could lead me to become like that too.

  24. Some men do. Though being morbidly obese will severely restrict your dating pool. I did date a girl once who ate her way too 280 pounds. It went so slowly that i still found her attractive because she was very small when we met. If she’d weighed that amount when we met it would have been a non starter for me and many other men.

    Best of luck with your doctor and health issues. Try not to tie too much of your self worth up in whether men will find you attractive or not.

  25. Just a heads up: there’s a lot of “amateur” dietitians here.

    A lot of men don’t understand female anatomy, weight gain in males vs. females, medicine etc. Females are more prone to put on weight due to evolutionary conditions of childbirth etc. While for a lot of men weight loss and muscle gain come easier.

    I think plus size can be attractive. Just depends on the person, how they carry themselves, their personality etc.

  26. Not personally but then I wouldnt assume most people find me attractive either.

    I spent a lot of time getting myself into the shape I wanted and my food and exercise routine are my ‘therapy’ so it would be very hard to share that with someone that has less of an interest in it.

  27. I can, sure. It also really depends on what ‘plus size’ is. I mean, according to many designers a size 10 woman is a cheeseburger away from cardiac arrest.

  28. I guarantee most of these men have no idea was a 250 pound woman looks like. You can be healthy at 250 and not. It’s a number not a fitness level. You’re attractiveness is more about who you are as a person than your size also. My daughter is beautiful and knows it. Every time she asks me if she’s pretty I say “pretty is as pretty does, no one cares what you look like if you’re mean, act pretty and you’ll be pretty” it’s kinda corny but it’s true. Focus on your health, being a good person and being true to you and you’ll attract the right person for you. You don’t need 100s of guys to find you attractive. You need one.

  29. I’ve dated a heavy set woman. I loved her for who she was, not her size. She was attractive because of who she was. I wasn’t turned off by her size, but it also wasn’t the reason I was with her. I guess what I’m saying is if you are nice, kind, a likeable person and people get to know you, you never know.

  30. Fuk yes! The “men” here commenting are obviously superficial and shallow with a touch of head up their ass. Guaranteed none of them are handsome or in shape enough to be making such ridiculous demands of a women’s appearance.

    Plus size all day, real men like meat and they if they can’t see the humanity in a person and choose to look at the superficial then they aren’t worth the time and are probably dull and uninteresting.

    And before ANY of you dipwads come after me, make sure to take a LONG and good look in the mirror and judge and pick yourself apart physically just like you so casually do to these women. Looks fade, gravity wins and age comes for everyone. Remember that.

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