I see all my friends talk about things, incidents, jokes and laugh with each other. I just can’t get that close with them. I put so much effort into showing interest in them and talking to them. But I can’t get into that zone where I have a freedom to tease them and call funny names.

I was so good at this till I was 13. Then it was a complete downfall. I had so many close friends in my first school. Then I changed 3 schools, so I think that must have been the trigger. But still people around me get close to each so fast. I JUST CAN’T. OR I DON’T KNOW HOW anymore.

Any suggestions

1 comment
  1. Stop overthinking and try to be more goofy. Don’t take yourself so seriously. To have fun you can’t just sit and worry about if you’re going to have fun or not. You have to make the fun happen, and that starts with letting go of all the worries and just doing it.

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