I’m currently sick right now. I struggle with mental health issues and I’m always fatigue. I have very subtle energy and I use for when I truly need it. I made myself some food and bf just got home from work. While others are out of the house, he asks for a bj. I said not right now I’m about to eat. He then gets mad and says how much he’s done for me.

Am I wrong or is he? I asked him “are you really about to throw a fit because I’m not going to do it right now?” He says “well I drop everything for you when you need it”. I don’t understand him. I almost feel like I’m obligated to do that since he has been taking care of a lot since I’ve been sick.

  1. Between everything you’re going through and his selfish reaction. This would have been a “go suck yourself!” type of moment for me.

  2. He’s wrong. Sex shouldn’t be a transaction. No one should expect their partner to be ready for sex at the drop of a dime unless that was previously agreed upon (like free use play). He needs to grow up and realize that. He should be doing things for you because he cares for you, not in exchange for getting his dick sucked.

  3. sick and mentally unwell or not, he’s in the wrong. you should never be obligated to drop what you’re doing whenever he says because he’s horny. he should be taking care of you because he cares about you, not because he expects sexual favors in return. that’s crazy, selfish, and childish

  4. Tell him u can my because your sick. I know he doesn’t wanna hear it but he needs to be patient.

  5. I ask my GF for BJs all the time.

    A lot of times I know she’s not gonna do it, but I ask in a joking way anyway.

    She says no, I accept and move on.

  6. He’s 100% wrong. You don’t owe him anything, not even permission to touch you PERIOD. Literally nothing. Him guilt tripping you is abusive disgusting behavior and you should break up with him or start setting more boundaries and see how he reacts. If he gets upset you know how much he respects you. You deserve better , I wish you well

  7. It’s pretty easy to find fault in what the BF did. Sex isn’t transactional, you have your agency.

    However, this is not a fight about the BJ or sex. He’s trying to make it about sex, but the root cause is there’s likely something fundamentally wrong in the relationship and this little nugget of bullshit is where he (stupidly) decided to draw a line and have a fight.

  8. That’s rough. No. He’s in the wrong. Sex is not a transaction in a relationship and should never be used as something to hold over others. If he was that horny, should’ve gone and jack-off.

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