So what I mean is that let’s say I am with a group and we are talking about a football game that happened on TV last night, but I feel like I have another topic I can switch the direction of conversation in, I feel hesitant to do it. And even if I do, I feel like I am largely holding back my expression when I do it.

But then if somebody else ends up switching to that same conversation topic I wanted to mention, then I feel comfortable talking about that topic and expressing myself, because they were the validation I felt I needed.

This it s can even happen when I have a joke I want to say. It can feel really difficult to say it due to not trusting myself to speak, but then if somebody else says the same joke, then I feel comfortable contributing or adding to the joke. But it’s frustrating because they end up taking the majority of credit for the joke.

Does anybody else feel this? I think I need some tips or encouragement guys. Thanks

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