So I was at a group hangout the other day and somehow the topic of suicide came up. One guy in the group said “people who cut themselves are pu%#$@s and are only doing it because they’re looking for attention. At first I was like “wow this guy is insensitive AF” but then everyone agreed with him. Am I too “soft” to believe the opposite of these people or are they really just insensitive Aholes? Any thoughts on this? Is this guy right in any way?

  1. There are people who cut themselves and show it on social media, and send it in pictures. And there are people who cut themselves and wear long sleeves for the rest of their lives. Some do it for attention, some do it because they get an endorphin rush, some do it because of serious mental health issues. But just because someone has a loud opinion doesn’t make that opinion a fact. Even if someone cuts themselves for attention, it’s not a laughing matter. People do all kinds of dumb shit for attention, driving loud and shiny cars, go to the gym, wear expensive clothing, some post vague things on social media, some go wingsuit diving.

  2. No you’re not soft. Why would it even be bad to be soft? I think you should be maximally soft in life, without compromising your own safety or integrity.

    He might not be evil, he might just haven’t thought very deeply about the possible reasons for self harm, and also want to look cool by being judgmental. I’ve said similar insensitive shit when I was younger and more immature.

    My understanding is that people self harm because the physical pain steals focus from their emotional pain. It’s really just a very tragic thing that people are feeling so awfully that they resort to doing that.

  3. Every community has this small percentage of people that actually crave attention (and are hence the loudest) and if you indulge you’ve basically taken the bait. It’s why some online spaces are filled with nothing but negativity and people hating on stuff and making fun of each other. Self-harm is a coping mechanism and shouldn’t be taken lightly. You’re not soft for thinking that, or maybe you are, but in a good sense of the word. Many of us just lack a willingness to understand and choose to judge. Oh yeah and the guy is very insensitive.

  4. Omg what a beautiful moment. U are recalling the moment u realized you were in the wrong room. Most people don’t have the courage or information or resources to leave the wrong room and stay. It’s hard but you have to develop conviction for your opinions otherwise u will never develop moral courage. A person without courage will suffer in life it is a crucial value to develop leadership. To start a family you need leadership to do many things u want to be a leader. It’s time to ask yourself the hard questions. What are you willing to risk how much are you willing to suffer to grow as a person. You need to get curious, good luck friend

  5. It’s not about being insensitive.

    Basic human principles.

    Principles are that suicidal people give up. There’s no giving up on god’s precious gift. Life. You give up and you’re automatically on my bad list.

    I still think it’s mean to insult people but let’s be real. They’re bold and say it. I’ll be smart and keep it in my head. But still think it.

    There will always be someone with a worse situation. Does that mean suicide is ever the answer? No. Get up. Get strong. Do what you gotta. Do or do not there is no try or opt out.

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