Hello how are you, I made this publication with the intention of asking for advice on what I could do regarding my situation, I had already made a publication about this but it was excessively detailed and in days I only received 2 comments, so I decided to make a more direct and summarized. (You can read that post on my profile if you want to know more details)

Well, the problem is the following: my girlfriend and I decided to go study abroad together, we always had problems because throughout the relationship she avoided being intimate with me at all costs and I thought that living together would be different; After living for 4 years, I decided that the best thing was to break up since everything even got worse, for her it is a challenge to have sex and for me it is an effort to maintain the flame of passion, she naturally does not feel the desire to have relationships to the point that she does not even she touches herself, i love her so much and she loves me madly too and she tried everything in her power but there was never any real change, this affected me so much on all levels, not feeling desired by your own girlfriend for so long was something that completely destroyed my self-esteem, I did everything to try to turn her on or things like that, but almost nothing worked, in fact, after I stopped trying to have sex with her because it felt like forced sex on her part, easily in this period We could go 6 months without having sex, so one day I simply couldn’t perceive her as before, but I began to see her more as a sister or cousin, and I decided that it was best to end.

Now, when we decided to go abroad, my family supported me and today they support me financially, but his family turned their back on my now ex because they felt it was a betrayal that he left the country, so when he was here it was seen forced to work and study at the same time, even so, I receive much more than what she earns with her work and basically an absolute separation would be impossible, since without my support it would be sending her to live on the street, neither of us has more people here, so we decided to try to make a friendship work while we sleep and live together being exes, the thing is, I know this is not right, and that it is something that will not let either of us redo their lives, I mean How could I tell a girl I like “I live and sleep with my ex but don’t worry we are friends now” is something inexplicable

What could I do, or what would you do in my case? I feel like trash.

(He clarified: I am not an ugly boy, far from it, in fact, throughout my life I have been constantly approached by many girls interested in me, before I was 20 I was very dedicated to the gym and swimming, so my body did not either It was a problem, I admit that during my stay at the university I did not continue with these habits, but about 4 months ago I went back to the gym and I have gained 12 kilos in muscle)

  1. No other girl would accept you sleeping in the actual same bed as your ex. You may get away with it if you moved to a 2 bed but after a while any new girlfriend would expect you to make a move to live in your own place.

  2. Make a plan with your ex to get her out of the house. Shelter is life, but she needs to move on and so do you.

    You are a good person to try to avoid putting someone on the streets, but / and being with someone since ages 15 and 14 is not a sign of maturity; it’s a sign of shared childhood. You are enmeshed siblings who simply aren’t related by blood.

    This might turn out to be something wonderful later in life, if you can remain close, but you will end up alienated if you don’t stop living together.

    Or at least sleeping together.

  3. OK so I read everything and I think there’s a lot to learn here. The best thing I can tell you is to check out the following YouTube’s and the more videos you watch the more mistakes you will realized you made now or in the past. 1. Anthony spade reactions 2. Modern life dating 3. Mj get right 4. Black Filipino TV 5. Legion of men 6.replicantphish . With every video you watch you will learn a lot. Also anthony spade has videos under the live section where he answers men questions. If you use a web browser you can type depression to see what videos come up with that word. Hope this helps. Anthonyspade is live right now so you can ask a question or force an answer by sending your question in a super chat

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