I have an extremely high stamina so I can last for a very long time and be super intense at the same time. Two days ago I was having sex with a girl and it probably lasted for approximately an hour or so of pretty intense fucking so obviously we were super sweaty afterwards.

My hookup had multiple orgasms during that sex, she actually said that was the best sex of her life and she looked totally fine. In about 10 mins or so after we finished she decided to take a shower and I heard a really loud bang. I ran to check what happened and saw that girl lying on the unconscious. It was super scary but I gave her some water and she regained her consciousness in like 5 mins and was totally fine afterwards. She said it never happened to her before and she just probably got dehydrated from too much sex. Is that possible? Is there anything can I do to prevent this from happening in the future?

  1. If I’m about to have a long session I make sure there’s water by the bed. Avoiding dehydration is always a good thing

  2. Could’ve been a combination of low blood sugar and dehydration. Then the hot water from the shower can cause blood vessels to expand, resulting in low blood pressure and fainting / dizziness.


    Water and snacks after!

  3. Low blood pressure, from being tired, dehydrated, getting up suddenly, orgasms, and the hot water.

    I hope your partner didn’t get hurt too much from the fall.

  4. Well…sex requires energy. If you are verrry dehydrated, you could faint walking up stairs, let alone riding or having a guy on top of you.

  5. This might just be me, but if my parter (seual or otherwise) goes literally *unconscious* for **five minutes** – the ambulance would already be on the way by the time they came round.

    You literally just said ‘You okay there?’ and gave her a drink of water and said ‘You be fine?’…

  6. Definitely dehydrated. She probably experienced vertigo. Happens to my girl sometimes after we have a good sex session or when we engage in bdsm. We have cold water ready to drink if one of us needs a water break

  7. If she is young as has low blood pressure its pretty common.

    Happened to my wife as well when we were mid twenties, luckily I was there in the shower to catch her.

    Never happened since.

  8. When i was a young buck the woman that was using me in the summertime got smart and had water bottles ready we literally took water breaks during sex lmao….looking back im pretty sure she drugged me with some Viagra and other stuff cause i swear on god we did it for like 6-8 hours one after noon until a few hours before her roommate /boyfriend got home at like 2am… Yeah she was a crazy one…. Memories 😫😁

  9. Had a long term girlfriend who would often lose muscle control and consciousness after an intense orgasm. It was seconds though, usually by the time I would say “are you okay?” She would be back to normal.

    5 minutes is a long time.

  10. Yeaaah
    That definitely is smth that can happen, either during ou after sex.
    Sometimes i need to tell her to stop because i feel like i’m gonna pass out …

  11. Yikes 5 minutes is too long. I’ve passed out and woken up in the span of 30 seconds and to me it felt like waking up from an extremely deep sleep, but to everybody else it was quick

  12. You faint from low BP or low sugar. She HAS to be checked for those two at the least.

    What if she had left quickly and were driving a car?

  13. This has happened to my wife several times from our sex when it’s really intense. It’s a combination of hyperventilating and dehydration could also be a factor

  14. Encourage her to visit her doctor to get a check up. First to make sure she doesn’t have a concussion and secondly to make sure there isn’t an underlying health issue.

  15. this is why aftercare, water, cuddles, if a shower happens it happens together, I’ve passed out after many times, I’ve passed out during many times too

  16. The same thing happened to my girlfriend. We are taking a hot shower together and having sex when she suddenly collapsed. Thankfully I was able to catch her. She came to about 15 seconds later after I had to turn the shower on ice cold water. Found out she has low blood pressure And was dehydrated which caused her to pass out.

  17. If she was unconscious for five minutes I hope you took her to seek medical treatment as she probably incurred brain damage.

  18. It’s happened to me before. She slept for 48 hours and absolutely did not believe it was Thursday when she woke up.

  19. Hey guys. I’m really good at sex. I’m so good at the sex I had sexy times with a girl and she told me I’m so good at sex that it was teh best sex of her life. I was so good at the sex she passed out after the good sex because it was so good.

    What happened?

    Also I’m good at teh sex.

  20. Had a colleague that during sex, her partner passed out. He went to the hospital, everything was ok, happens, but rare

  21. This happened to my wife and I back in college (gf at the time) when we went a little too long in the shower under hot water. I freaked out at first until she came too.

  22. Sounds like you need a minifridge of Gatorade and bucket of peanuts next to your bed

  23. I passed out once right after having the best orgasm I have ever had once, she freaked out and I woke up with her above me about to call 911.

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