I (28f) have been texting with a guy in his 30s. The convos are great, we talk about life, what we are up to and other random things. The connection seems good. We share photos of our day but I kinda want to take things to the next level. He’s been very respectful but I’d love if he flirted with me or dropped hints that he’s interested. How can I spice things up a bit more, what can I ask to turn the convo a bit more personal?


  1. Might want to take this offnline at this stage before it fizzles out. Don’t be afraid to initiate and show interest in no uncertain terms!

  2. I don’t know how much *you’ve flirted with him*, but if you start flirting some, it gives him “permission” to do the same. He should have been testing the waters with this kind of thing, but there are lots of reasons, good and bad, why men aren’t doing this.

    First, when he sends a picture to you, rave over it for a bit. Tell him how good his shirt looks, tell him how much you like his smile, tell him how great he looks overall. He needs to get the sense that you’re personally attracted to him.

    Second, start talking about fun little things that you’ve been thinking of doing. Checking out a fun and unique restaurant, going to an upcoming event, or seeing some sight that’s nearby that you’ve never been to. The implication you should be giving is that you would love it if he asked you to go with him.

    Similarly, tell him that you’ve been bored. You’ve missed out on chances on being with some friends and you feel bad about it. You’ve been seeing nothing but work and home, and you’d love it if you could change up that routing. Once again, the implication is that *you want him* to do that.

    Now if you’re looking to spice things up specifically, you need to come to terms that you may come off as being open to getting physical with him. That’s what spiciness is about, so you may want to tune your spiciness to fit just how much you want him thinking about that.

    One things you can do is tell him that you went to your complex’s pool this morning. The sun was out and it was pretty warm. The water was perfect, and you really enjoyed being able to do some swimming. This, of course, will get him thinking of you in a bathing suit, and being in the hot sun, and getting wet. That should set up thoughts in his mind.

    Or you could tell him how your friend is doing stuff with her own boyfriend, and what they’ve been up to. Going out on trips, smooching in front of you, going out to dinner, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. *Hint, hint; nudge, nudge*.

    Then, of course, there’s the tried and true method of just sending spicier photos. You don’t have to send nudes: by all means, don’t do that. But shorter short, tank tops, maybe a selfie *from the pool*. If you’re sending photos that get his heart pumping a little more, then that send a message all its own.

    Anyway, tune all those to what you want to accomplish, and get him to ask you out, which is clearly what you really want.

  3. Just ask him if he sees you as just a friend or someone he can date romantically

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