I played college basketball and now I am working full time and I have gotten pretty lazy. I work 8-5 M-F and I would love to play basketball but it is difficult to find in indoor court near my area so it’s tough to play ball. I would love to workout but my problem is staying consistent with it.

  1. Going to the gym? Couldnt ,i.possible.

    So, i bought some dumbells and a bench. You can do most muscle groups with that. Then i got a rack & barbell later after saving more, and a pullup bar. Now i have no need for a gym. Legs = squats/deadlifts.

    What i dont get enough of, is cardio.

  2. Try to find a gym buddy who can help motivate you to go.

    Not sure how to find a court near your area but see if you are willing to drive after work to the gym.

    Always do things you enjoy. I have never liked weights, felt like it was mundane and I have always been a cardio guy. I stared lifting with a couple friends and it has been more rewarding. This is just my experience.

    Hope that helps!

  3. I made it part of my schedule and started with only three times a week, after a month I added two more days and now I go 6 days a week. It’s a habit now, I made myself go even when I didn’t want to, and I did this with my fiancé so we pushed each other to not miss it when the other one wasn’t in the mood.

  4. I do it to appear better, don’t really like it but force myself to eat super clean and exercise.

  5. i have a deep seeded hatred for myself so i can’t stop going until i’m happy

  6. Self love is doing stuff you don’t want to do today, because future you also deserves to be happy. You have to treat it as self love. Maintenance if you will.

  7. Motivation sometimes. I had a rude awaking with the doctor so it got me back into the gym. It shouldn’t even got there with me but I need to do something about it now

  8. I think of my father and I remind myself I don’t want to look like that.

  9. It’s the only way I know how to maintain any sense of emotional and mental stability. I try to cause myself damage and it makes me feel better. I don’t go to a public gym, I workout at home.

    But my advice to people who don’t resonate with the above ; I tell them not to rely on motivation because it is fickle. Rely on discipline.

  10. I train with a personal trainer for this exact issue. I struggle with motivation and consistency after working 7-5 everyday, so I make sure to have help to keep me on track. A gym buddy would also be helpful if they have the right mindset to help you and to keep you honest/on track.

    Personally, if I try to do it by myself, I end up missing one session, that turns into weeks without going to the gym and then I never go again or I lose any progress I make.

  11. As a gay I go with my boyfriend 5 days a week and we workout together. Personally, going on my own I get bored and my ADHD lets me know and I end up leaving. I get your struggle, find a buddy to go train with.

  12. I don’t go to the gym anymore since COVID but I built a small home gym. The fact I don’t have to go anywhere makes it a lot easier. No matter how much you exercise the first 5-10 minutes are straight ass. Your body wants to quit. Your mind is telling you pizza on the couch would be way more fun. You set a schedule and have the discipline to keep at it. After those first 10 minutes it actually starts to feel good and after 20 you want to keep going. Start small and work up. I didn’t realize how difficult it was to do pull-ups when you’re 220lbs. It looks so easy on TV and YouTube by ripped guys that weigh 160lbs. Start small, work your way up, don’t over exert yourself. Now I do several reps on the tower and 10km on the bike about 5 days per week.

    My setup is modest at best. Exercise bike, power tower, one of those inflatable exercise balls and some gym mats. I’d like to get some weights and a bench but they’re just finally dropping back to realistic prices.

  13. The best programme is the one you can stick to. Build it around that and you’re more likely to go and do it

  14. I don’t tell myself I’m going to the gym. I just say I’m gonna put on my shoes. Then one thing leads to another and then boom I’m at the gym.

  15. I have thought a lot about why i have been able to stay consistent these last few years:

    1. Make it easy to work out – I do a lot of calisthenics now and i have a home gym. The calisthenics i can do anywhere. Working out adds no commute, etc for me.
    2. Make your work outs easier to recover from – Long gruelling workouts are hard to recover from and you “fear” them. I work out almost every day, hit each muscle group 2-3 per week with 10-20 sets in total. This way i get decent volume over the week, but never too much each time.
    1. Still go as hard as you can tho, always train to failure ( but with caution ) if you want the real gains.
    3. Eat enough – If your havent eaten enough today and yesterday, working out will feel a lot less appealling mentally.
    4. Sleep enough – Same as with food.
    5. Supplement – You are not getting enough nutrients with your regular food intake, pretty much no one is with modern farming practices.
    6. Go to therapy – Working out my demons helped me with consistency in everything in my life.
    7. Dont drink a lot of alcohol – Avoid binge drinking completely.
    8. Be lean enough to see the results
    9. Get a training partner
    10. Measure and record your results

    TLDR: Take care of yourself in many other ways and make your workouts easy to make happen, and motivation will find you.

  16. I’ve bundled it up with taking lunch at work. It’s also the time i allocate to listening to podcasts i enjoy listening to. In the past i’ve also bundled it up with skipping traffic on the way back from work.

    Otherwise i do basically the same progressive overload exercises every time i go so i’m always interested to see how I perform on that week. If i max out at 10 reps for 3 sets i move up 5kg. The progression is fun for me.

  17. It helps me mentally and that’s how I deal with stress I don’t drink smoke so this my way of deal with my mental health and stress from school work etc

  18. The happiness/feeling good when I’m done working out, keeps me coming back.

  19. Back when i went, it was because i had a more disciplined workout buddy keeping my accountable. He switched shifts and stopped going when i was available so i ended up stopping.

  20. I was 190 tall and 75kg half an year ago. I decided that I wanted to be physically more healthy and look like a human being, so I began. If I start, I typically go all the way to end, so far only days I’ve skipped is the ones that I’ve been quite injured and even then if upper body is injured, done my legs and vice versa.

    Now half an year later, I am 86kg, visibly no much more fat, but everything started looking more round, arms more defined, and pecs outlined. Can pretty much say gained 10kg only muscle within this time. Only that gotta buy new jeans soon, as tights grew quite a lot. And this is very very motivating.

  21. I don’t. Some weeks are good, some not so much.

    Try to hold myself to a minimum of 3 times per week.

    Knowing that my mental wellbeing will be worse of if I don’t go definitely helps.

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