My siblings and I recently found out my mother has been messaging men on twitter. Providing them our home address and sending gifts to each other.

My mother has recently started a “spiritual journey” and found people on twitter with the same beliefs. Her and my father have drifted apart the past few years however the deeper so goes into her journey the further they drift.

They no longer sleep in the same bed, however they get along and I have never seen them fight. Coexisting is the best word to describe them.

My family is going on vacation together this weekend & my siblings and I (none of us live with our parents) are contemplating on her messaging men/brining it up to make my dad aware.

Her spiritual/twitter journey has caused minor issues in the past & when they have been brought up/addressed she breaks down and starts crying- saying we’re out to get her etc.

In a way I feel like it’s better not to tell my dad- we don’t know what we could possibly be starting.

Do we bring it up at all?

Looking for outside opinions

Thank you in advance

  1. If they don’t sleep in the same room, it sounds like your parents have switched to a companionate marriage, so if I were you I would mind my own business. Chances are decent your father already knows and bringing it up will just be awkward and embarrass him. Also it’s possible he and your mom have a dadt policy, so you’ll just hurt his feelings, and for what?

  2. uh, obviously? why wouldn’t you tell him? don’t you love your father? do you want to be another person who betrays him? if he ever finds out you knew but didn’t tell him, you’ll lose him forever, you know that, right?

  3. Yes. You tell him asap. Like. Now. If he is asleep. Wake him up. He deserves to know. If he finds out you knew and didn’t say anything. He will feel betrayed not only by your mom. But you as well

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