I have been observing the difference between general people and confident people out in public and in the gym.

I have always noticed that I look down when walking. Looking at the pavement, grass, squirrels, worms, whatever.

I observed how I felt about the confidence level of someone who walked looking straight ahead versus someone who looked down when walking. My monkey brain said that people looking straight ahead with their chin up looked more approachable and confident.

So I put it to test.

I started keeping my head up and eyes forward when standing or walking and only occasionally looking down if there’s a danger of stepping on something. It immediately made me feel a lot more confident and social. I didn’t feel like I washiding away from the people around me and made me feel like I’m ready to talk to people.

TLDR: Put your phone away, keep your chin up, keep your eyes forward, keep your shoulders pulled back, and you’ll look way more confident and approachable. Body language makes a huge difference!

1 comment
  1. On one hand, that’s really cool and I’d love to try it! On the other I’m way too afraid to trip or step on a snail or mis out on money lying on the ground lol

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