So I have this really good friend we’ve been friends for about 5-6 years now and I’ve never had a problem until recent months but these past months with them have just been different idk really how to describe it. Ok so for context we are both 19m and from here on out I’ll be referring to the Friend as S. So this all started when I got a new job it was a really good job, great pay, great benefits, I enjoyed what I was doing etc etc. But the problem was that I would have to move 2000 miles away in order to do that, so I’d be living by myself which I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do, see I hate living by myself it is for me the literal worst. I tend to get extremely depressed and drop everything, including work and I obviously could not let this happen this time. That and money would be extremely tight for the first year and that would be awful to go through, especially by myself. So when I was describing my problems to my friend group, S piked up and said

“Oh I have friends out there I’ve always wanted to go there let me come with you”. From there on out we had our plan to two of us would move together friends for years to start a new chapter of our lives I was ecstatic. But then I moved over, they where supposed to stay for 1-2 months and move out with me. Six months later they texted me, sorry I’m not going to make it, as if it was some sort of party, I told them It was fine but it wasn’t and they knew that. Fast Forward a couple more months and work has decided to let me go as “I’m just not the right fit”. So now I have to move BACK across the country. So I’m of course a little livid with them, but for me the problem is, is that other than a very quick I’m sorry over text, they haven’t even mentioned it. No actual apology no offering to help, NOTHING, then I learn they where never actually saving money in those six months to come out here. Then I learn from his sister that he was never even planning to move out in the first place. I know it’s not a they wanted to get rid of me thing because they still reach out to play games they just, decided not to move. But to top it all off their humor is the worst in the world, to the point that it actively makes me uncomfortable, their description of humor, is shouting cum when they enter rooms. Making everything a genuinely disgusting sexual innuendo, (innuendo is the wrong word as they make no attempt to hide it) to the point that I’ve had to actively tell them to stop because they are making me extremely uncomfortable, multiple times a day. Now I’m at a loss for words I don’t know what to do, they just wasted more than half of a year because they where lying to me, and every time we’re together I’m genuinely uncomfortable, but I can’t cut them out I don’t want to lose them this shit just happens every time. Normally I have extremely good social skill but with this it seems my options are continue to be uncomfortable and angry, or cut off him and because I cut off him cut off the rest of the friend group and be lonely. So I don’t know what to do any help would be extremely, extremely helpful thankyou.

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