What kind of an impact do women’s fragrances have on men?

  1. I usually don’t even notice it unless it’s on a woman I’m interested in.

  2. I could care less as long as you don’t stink. Same reason I’ve never worn cologne, a little deodorant is good enough for me.

  3. If it’s too much/intense or smelling too synthetic, then I rather keep some distance.

  4. My wife has a certain perfume she puts on when she’s feeling frisky. She conditioned me to be horny every time I smell it. Occasionally she’ll wear it just out to dinner or if we’re going somewhere else and it immediately makes me want to cancel plans

  5. I don’t care as long as they have a neutral smell or some toilet water as long it’s not overpowering like some older ladies in an elevator.

    From my experience most girls smell like flowers or lavender.

  6. It makes a pretty massive difference for me, but the most pleasant, nostalgic and memorable has always been plain laundry detergent. It brings out feelings in me that I can’t describe, call me weird.

  7. It was one of the first things I noticed when I met my soon-to-be wife. We get married in just over 3 weeks. She gets lots of compliments on her smell perfume. I also very much enjoy her natural scent

  8. Scent is the biggest turn on. But NATURAL scents. Artificial scents dont do much for me. I sometimes just bury my nose in my partner’s skin and take a big whiff. It’s not a strong smell, but there’s something in it that I really like.

  9. 6/10 times, I don’t notice.

    3/10 times it’s awful.

    That last 1/10, though? PHWOAR…

  10. I walked by a woman the other day who was wearing something that smelled almost exactly like the Cucumber Watermelon Bath and Body works spray that my 8th grade girlfriend used to wear and it stopped me dead in my tracks. I’m in my 30s.

    So there’s that.

  11. I dunno about artificial fragrances, but natural ones are interesting – pheromones are funny things. Some women smell terrible, no matter what they have on. Some women might be filthy and sweaty, but one whiff and something in my brain screams “MORE! MORE OF THIS! THIS IS WHAT WE NEED RIGHT NOW!!!”

  12. I still remember this time I was sitting in a parking lot and smelled a woman about 50 meters away. Don’t be that person. Wear it lightly and it’s fine.

  13. Mild. I like some of my wife’s perfumes but her natural scent is what actually gets me.

  14. My SO doesn’t wear a lot of fragrance which is just fine by me. What I do like is her deodorant, which is ever so slight, but pleasant smell. You can’t smell it unless you are right up in her arms, and it is by far one of my favorite sensory experiences

  15. Slap in the sex drive. The light aromatic one’s. Feels like being pulled by a rope

  16. Life long.

    I still walk past women who are wearing a pleasant fragrance I remember from an earlier time. It’s like little pop up memories when it happens.

  17. I have a few strong memories about fragrance

    First, I remember walking to work one breezy day more than 20 years ago, and the wind was blowing just right. The perfume a woman about a block away from me wafted over, and it was one of the most amazing scents I have ever smelled. I am generally a pretty shy guy, but I gave serious thought to walking over and talking to her, just because of how good she smelled. I didn’t want to bother a random woman on the street, though, so I just kept walking to work.

    Second, I had separated a few months previously from my now ex wife, and went on a camping trip for the eclipse. We were out in the middle of nowhere, and I was taking the time to get my head straight after my marriage falling apart. We were camped in a large clearing, and the second day we were there a group of young (20ish) folks set up camp a few hundred feet away. They were woefully unprepared for camping, so we helped them out. I have this distinct memory of the young woman in the group walking by, and she had apparently gone into town and showered. Whatever she washed her hair with smelled really nice, and when she walked by it hit me about how lonely I had been in my marriage and that it was time to start dating again. When I went home I went on a couple of dating sites and met my new forever wife a few months later.

    My wife doesn’t wear perfume, but she still smells amazing to me. Often perfumes can be overwhelming and overpower the scents that we naturally find attractive

  18. It depends on the fragrance. Most do nothing, but there are 1-2 that drive me wild.

  19. When my girlfriend wears perfume (one I bought her, she didn’t have any before) it makes me wish it was all she was wearing…

  20. For me, generally less is more. There is one scent that makes me stupid horny, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called.

  21. There’s this super attractive girl that started working in my department. When she comes close to me I can get the smell of her and it adds to her beauty. I don’t even know if it’s a expensive or cheap perfume. And i honestly do not care. That smell stays in my mind, hell I can even smell it now if I think about it. I have no earthly idea what any other woman in the office smells like. Not a clue.


  22. I had a coworker, we had something going on. There is a lot more to it but I’ll keep it brief. Her scent was something that made me go nuts.

    Whenever I caught her scent somewhere I would stop and just smell a bit longer and a bit more. I could tell she passed by somewhere moments before. It actually made me lose my mind.

  23. Most of them are too flowery and sweet-smelling for my tastes. There was this one chick that I went to high school with that wore a women’s cologne (that’s the best way to explain it because it was more spice and stuff like that) and she was definitely onto something with that one.

  24. There are very few fragrances that I like. So I prefer a clean smell. Whatever conditioner that is in their hair. Stuff like that

  25. Mostly it annoys the hell out of me. Who said, that anything advertised on YouTube, TV, anything Zara, or fucking Lady million smells good? Some of them maybe did, for the first one hundred time. Not the 11millionth time. Find something more unique, AND good. It’s not that hard.

    For the 1 out of 10k women(well, any human, really), who uses something appropriate for the occasion, herself, the season, and her goals, DAMN, THATS SOOOOO GOOD!!!! Just know, if you do it right, and you just walk by me, I will be able.to pick you out from a crowd years later. The perfect fragrance completes any person on a profoundly instinctual, and physical, yet spiritual, and elevated level, in a way that can’t be achieved by anything else.

  26. I like it. The more my other half wears fragrances, the more my nose gets used to it. Then when I smell it out and about it makes me
    Think of her.

  27. A lot tbh.

    A good smelling women, wearing nice perfume has made me stop in my tracks more than a few times.

    I’ve also had similar for women with my aftershave, a few even complemented me which was quite rare.

  28. some of them remind me of some of the best hook-ups i’ve ever had and make me so horny i’d fuck the coin slot of a coke machine, others make you smell like an old lady so it really depends. i am very aroused by certain ones, repulsed by others.

  29. Yes, there’s a memory bank of all the smells in my head. Moments trapped in my brain forever. Some perfumes literally make me want to hump her leg. 😂 I’m big on scents. Not just from/ for women but everything.

  30. I once worked with a girl that used to spray herself with whatever flowery fragrance she had with her that day several times a day and to excess each time.

    I very nearly put in a request to our health and safety guy for a respirator to help me get through the day without feeling like I spent the day sniffing deodorant cans in the park.

  31. I work at a gym. It’s small. There is this one woman that comes in, absolutely gorgeous. Absolutely stunning and beautiful. Quiet and keeps to herself. Doesn’t say a word to anyone except hi and bye to staff. But she says it under her breath. You know what she’s saying but she’s so soft spoken. She might be shy. But there is one thing that stands out about her. Her vanilla scent. It’s not too strong. Just subtle enough. A very distinguished smell. When I smell it, I know she’s around. Where is Ms.Vanilla and can I just admire her aura?

  32. It subtly takes women up a notch in a guys head, even though men may not specifically say something about it or notice it.

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