I saw an article about the NHS website having 3x more hits on their bite and allergy page this summer than the previous one, and thought it was interesting as this year I’ve had “Skeeter syndrome” for the first time, big big reactions to mosquito bites but it’s never happened before. It was worrying me a bit but wondered if anyone else has heard of this or experienced similar, or knows anything about this?

  1. I’ve not noticed it personally. But it seems entirely plausible that a summer that has been hotter than average and then very wet and humid would see greater mosquito activity.

    I’ve seen it noted before that climate change will see the UK get far more mosquitos as our climate will become much more hospitable to them.

  2. Not noticed that but there’s been more horseflies here for sure. Horrible creatures.

  3. I just got it for the first time a couple of years ago too, I’m 41 and previously rarely got bitten and if I did it was just the regular little pink bump that was itchy for a day or two. I read it’s an allergy to a protein in the mozzy spit which they don’t all have, certainly not globally, not sure about within one country. I would guess like the other commenter said it’s due to an increased population. So you’re more likely to encounter one with this protein.

    I found cetirizine tablets plus a lot of anthisan cream took the edge off!

  4. Not sure if it’s any worse, I’ve always had bad reactions to bites. Got one near my ankle currently and it’s so swollen I can barely walk on that leg.

    I usually wear insect repellent every evening if I’m going out, but just forgot to when I was just getting the cat in from the garden. Instant regret.

  5. I have seen a friend who got big bites when out for the day at a woods, they swelled up and got infected. Never seen that before. I have also heard people getting ticks which I am sure never used to be a thing when I was a lad, at least not people just going out for walks – only farmers etc.

  6. This year so far I’ve mostly been okay, and I walk/hike a lot. I got caught once, felt like it stalked me back to the car and as soon as I sat down called someone and got distracted the little shit somehow decided to go for my hand, knocking it off made it bleed like a lot which I’ve not experienced before, but it was fine.

    A few years ago my foot swelled up like a balloon when I did something similar so I was expecting the worst.

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