I (14F) am in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend (also 14F). We met through family (my non blood related uncle) when we were around 2 years old, and eventually fell for eachother. I always visit her whenever I get the chance (she can’t visit me because she doesn’t have relatives in the city I live in, and the flat I live in doesn’t have enough space for her to stay. Meanwhile when I visit, I always stay at my aunt’s house which is a 15 minute walk from her house), and when we’re away from eachother we always text. She often tells me how much she misses me, how she wishes she could see me more often, and I feel that way too. When I do visit we usually have sleepovers, or sometimes we just meet up on the playground for a few hours. But here’s the thing. Over text I can tell that she’s so, so excited to see me. But when I actually visit, she immediately looses the hype and we barely meet up. It’s not that we don’t meet up at all because we do, it’s just… I’m not sure how I should put it. It’s like she suddenly doesn’t care as much. I’m always the one to ask her to meet up/have the sleepover and she does agree. When we’re actually there it’s really good, we talk, kiss, play games, etc… It’s just the arranging where she’s really unenthusiastic. I’m not sure what I need, comfort, tips, reassurance, I don’t know. I just need to know what this means but I’m too shy to ask her.

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