I was wondering if Renaissance women in paintings are still considered physically attractive? What are your opinions?

  1. I think most of them are long dead and corpses don’t pique my interest. But I just can’t help myself to a cute Retail Woman.

  2. Interesting question. As and old guy, physically yes i still find Renaissance painting are attractive.
    But small truth you might not see is physical attributes will change over time. If you want a long term relationship you need a lot more than looks, when you see your spouse as she walked down the aisle 40 years ago you will understand. You might not even notice the grey hair…..

  3. Yes sure they are attractive. But you should understand, “Fat girls are like mopeds”. Having slim girlfriend or wife is a matter of status.

  4. I thought this was going to be about women who were knowledgeable and capable in a whole bunch of different areas of life

  5. They were paintings of wealthy women who were well fed. I don;t think is wa a fashion statement. As for the beauty it is was less realistic or accurate than we see today but still an improvement over the 2 dimensional profile that preceded the Renaissance.

  6. I like renaissance periodzation does that count?

    Mona Lisa looks alright I guess. Cleavage is nice.

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