F21 M21 help me

yesterday me and my bf tried anal and its not the first time we try but this time idk what happened
it was night and there was no light
but when got up and he said to give him a hand job I felt something weird around his penis
so when I see closely I see poop..
the problem is I didnt feel anything coming out or anything
and we were going for like 30mins
as I realized what happened I was so embarssed and started wipping everything
he didnt react at first
but on our way to my home he was mad???? and he didnt talk
like it was MY fault and that I did that on purpose
my bf is the kind of person that doesnt communicate
and yesterday I left him a voice msg saying that I searched about this and saw that it can happen
he didnt reply till today morning he said that he isnt happy about it and his shirt was all stained and he was embarassed

Im so mad at him because he can say thats its not a big deal especially that its the first time it happens
but instead he is mad at me.
im planning on not talking to him. and also consider breaking up with him!!

Edit : thank u guys really you made me feel better about myself 💕
I cried myself to sleep last night and woke up crying
I wanna show you his response to and his texts but im new to reddit and idk how to post a pic just to show y’all how toxic his reaction is
thanks again !! I appreciate all ur kind replies

  1. I enjoy anal sex — and yes, I’ve had some deep penetration that resulted in the lubricant getting mixed up with poop — rather the slow drain of fluid from the large intestine that will eventually turn into a solid poop if remaining in the rectum which relives water — it’s to be expected if the anal penetration is prolonged or deep and yes it can be messy when this fluid mixes with the lubricant I’d suggest doing anal in the light and showering afterwards and changing the sheets. Probably not best to lay around at night as the cock would be soreading the mix all over. No big deal. In my experience anal sex is surprisingly clean and enjoyable— I started doing by request to gf as a sort of intimate reward as it requires lots of patience and gentleness. A very different experience than vaginal sex.

  2. If you put your dick in poop’s house, poop might say hello. If he doesn’t understand this and blames you for the poopy greeting, he’s a moron.

  3. This does happen and it’s kind of ridiculous to get angry about it. It’s going to happen. It’s normal. You stuck it in the pool chute and you might get some on you. Communication is important. It isn’t your fault. I’m sorry it was such a negative experience for you 🙁

  4. If he’s this immature and inconsiderate around sex, with no perception or forethought about anal sex, he doesn’t deserve sex with you.

  5. Imo poop isnt a big turn on for me. But its not a turn off either. In some weird way if I had shit on my dick after something like that id probably feel closer to my partner since thats like a super personal thing that could be considered really embarrassing, id want me partner to feel comforted by me. Lets just wash up together, kiss goodnight an cuddle up. Shit happens, and yes Id do it again who cares, its just us big whoop. Tell him to leave your anus alone going forward if he cant handle it. But if hes gonna be upset with you over getting poop on his dick when hes the one that basically plunged it out of you, thats his problem. Maybe he can go back to jerking off alone everynight

  6. Wtf! Hahaha He said hi to your other hole lol he should have expected it. That is like really out of your control specially when both of you are enjoying the deed!!!!! Lol

    So sorry OP this has happened to you! May you find the right person who will validate you and ask how you felt instead of ignoring youu. 🥺

  7. Man sticks his dick where poop comes out of.

    Mad his dick has poop on it.

    You know what’s not shitty? Our sponsor – SquareSpace!

  8. If he acts this way to something like this that you have no control over plus it was with his consent and participation, he will act that way to other things you’re not responsible for. He’s very immature and irresponsible and will cause you a lot of grief in the long run. Get away from him. He has a lot of growing up to do before he should be in any relationship.

  9. It’s totally normal. it can happen. It happened to me and my ex. She freaked out and was embarrassed and I was keep telling her “its okay. I loved it anyway. No big deal” and I was laughing but she got mad. But yeah we talked about it right away. It is important to be able to talk about everything. Communication is key 🗝️. Oh and he should feel lucky with you because not every girl let in the ass 🤩

  10. Sounds like your BF is a little to used to the porn portrayal of anal where it’s all nice and clean and perfect cause they pause the camera to wipe the poop away when it INEVITABLY shows up.

    I’d say definitely don’t let this deter you from anal in the future, but I’d definitely say let it deter you from anal with this partner. He needs to manage his own expectations and understand that when you’re sticking something in the back door, there’s going to be someone home sometimes. Even when you clean really well, sometimes there’s still some stuff hanging around deeper than you prepped, and your body moves on it’s own schedule.

  11. Shit happens–literally. Even if you’re regular and you cleaned everything as best as you are able, sometimes it makes an appearance. You just have to be okay with that. It’s why I keep a dedicated “anal play hand towel” at the ready whenever I play in the old dirt road.

    Your boyfriend overreacted which sucks. But don’t let his reaction ruin it forever–especially if you enjoyed it.

  12. What does ur man expect? He is putting something into a hole that’s sole purpose is for shit to exit the body! So of course, there might be some uncomfortable situations pop up! It’s not like you did this on purpose or have any control over it. If I were you, depending on how long you guys have been together, I’d dump him. He sounds immature and not talking about it is childish. I mean, you are both adults, and if anyone should be embarrassed, it’s you (only because its ur poop) yet he’s the one crying about his stained shirt … it’s called laundry detergent, try it! Keep your head up sweetie, and good luck!

  13. Honestly sounds like you should dump him. You let him do anal, you give him handjobs that’s a lot honestly. You can find someone who won’t get mad at you for nothing. Sounds like a red for control issues.

  14. I think you should stop worrying about it. It happens.

    Some women do a cleansing ahead of time but (1) that doesn’t remove ALL the stuff and (2) it kinda takes away from the enjoyment to plan it out like that, at least for me.

    I like to go from prone to butt IF/WHEN the mood strikes. And if she doesn’t object then it’s a go.

    And yes, I’ve pulled out before and it’s been a little dollop on my tip 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️ oh well, shit literally happens, but we had fun getting there, didn’t we? 🤣🤣🤣

    Let him read my post or just generally stop worrying about it. Nothing either of you can actually do about it. Now you know it happens, and if you enjoy it, keep doing it, while keeping in mind this is a reality of that choice.

  15. When you play in the mud, you’re bound to get dirty. What the heck was he expecting? Lmao

    Good sex (and relationships) are about communication. He is either a moron or an AH, but either way it isn’t your fault in the slightest.

  16. If he put his Dick in the poop cave so its obvious to taste it.You must say its not my fault.

  17. All poop aside, this just tells you so much about him. Not only is he not mature enough to explore sexually with, he’s not emotionally reliable either. Like, you need someone to be your “ride or die” in situations, and if he can’t try to laugh about something like this and care enough to protect you from feeling embarrassed, then he’s way more foul than that little discovery you made that morning. Besides, YA’LL made that TOGETHER.

  18. He shouldn’t have acted like that. Shit happens (yes, pun intended). He had an opportunity to show you that you two can be intimate and work through something like that. But he failed.

  19. This happens so frequently on here that it’s hilarious.

    Who in their right mind goes to poop’s house and then gets made when poop is home?

  20. Ugh! Absolutely nothing. If he sticks his dick up an ass, he shouldn’t be surprised when shit comes out. What did he expect? It happens sometimes. That’s just life. Change the sheets, wash the clothes, take a shower and go to bed. If he can’t see past the poop, then he isn’t ready for anal sex. 🙄

  21. Like I always say, if you play Super Mario Bros., don’t be surprised when you run into a goomba.

  22. Shit happens (pun intended) A real man would have made sure you were ok. I have had this happen to me and I felt so bad because she was freaking out and I didn’t care, I was far more concerned about what she was feeling. You go in knowing the risks involved. Honestly the way he acted would 100% be a deal breaker for me. It should have gone “well shit… I guess we need new bedding” bag it up then take a shower.

  23. Your bf is a lil boy! That’s always a risk when you do anal, thus why I don’t do it that often. A lot of people go through a whole cleaning, enema process first to avoid it, but there’s still alway a chance🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

  24. Expect poop in the backdoor. And expect possibility of blood in the vagina (period or spotting). It happens, a mature person would clean up and understand that it’s a possibility.

  25. You are literally opening up the poop door a lot bigger than what it is used to. Of course, that is going to happen.

    You did absolutely nothing wrong, I’m sorry you had to go through that. You deserve someone so much better. I just hope for his sake that he’ll learn how stupid he was for his next relationship.

    I will say this one last time to make sure you get this point.

    You Deserve So Much Better Than That

  26. Everyone wants to be a gangster till it’s time to do gangster “Shit”. (pun intended) Your boyfriend is being a child.

  27. It happens – not sure what he expected to find up your bum??? It has happened to me before but I didn’t make a fuss about it because like you I could tell she was embarrassed. It’s just poo. Has he never heard of soap???

  28. Hey. Break uo with him. You deserve better. If he does anal with you, he should expect that may happen. Don’t beat yourself up and if you enjoy anal don’t let that experience limit you next time 😘

  29. He does realize that that hole is supposed to be where the poop comes out, right? What would he expect if someone stuck something up HIS asshole. Geezuz. I’m so tired of seeing posts like this. Ladies, please stop feeling embarrassed about this. And stop allowing your men to act like babies about it! Drives me insane.

  30. If you play in poop’s house, don’t be surprised that poop wants to play too.

    If he does not walk back and apologize for the way he reacted then maybe it’s time for a new boyfriend.

  31. He sounds very immature. If someone wants to stick their dick into that hole, that very often is the consequence. That’s part of being human. He needs to educate himself.

  32. Porn has given the illusion that you can have anal sex so casually without any prep when in reality it can turn messy anytime. Even pornstars have admitted anal sex they film requires lots of enema, lube, time off, wipes etc while filming but still end up messy.

  33. In the world of gay people (where we do this kinda thing often lol) it is widely accepted that when poop happens one of the first things you do is comfort the bottom. Rip to the man who gets poop on his dick, but it feels a lot worse being the pooper. My humor is so immature cause writing this is also making me laugh, but for real, it’s anal shit happens. Yeah it’s gross, but really all sex is pretty nasty; poop just isn’t something we typically associate with sex. But there is no one sided blame. One person stuck it in and the other spread their cheeks. Seems your bf forgot that sex takes two or more active parties. And as a closing note, remember this. The guy who comforts you when you have an accident is mature and a keeper. The guy who makes you feel gross and places blame deserved to be shit on.

  34. This happened to me once… my boyfriend took his shirt, cleaned me really fast and himself. He kissed me and said “how bout we go shower baby girl”

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