I am 25 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I consider myself at least average looking, 6’2, and fit. I seemingly have everything going for me in life. I am in a top medical school, I own a nice house, I have a lot of hobbies and play pickup sports or in sports leagues multiple times per week. I also think I am a fun person to spend time with. I guess my one big problem is that I am scared to make any moves (I think it is rather unfair that guys are generally expected to make the first moves but that’s besides the point). I’ve felt a fun flirty vibe when talking to some girls in my medical school but have always been hesitant to ask them out as I think it would be awkward to get rejected and have to see them in class still. I don’t really interact much (or at all really) with girls outside of my class. I have went pretty hard on online dating in the past but girls have so many options on there it takes a lot of work to get a date. Of the few dates I’ve been on off online dating in the past year I have had the same issue- it may go well but again I am afraid to make the first move so things have never progressed. Even after the first date I am generally reluctant to message first and ask them out again. I guess I think that since I asked them out on the first date then it should be them who should at least take a bit of initiative and at least message me after to show interest in a second date. This generally results in us never talking again. I guess this wasn’t really a question but more of a rant. Any advice is appreciated.

  1. So you’ve tried nothing? And are all out of ideas??

    Sounds like maybe a self esteem issues. Maybe therapy. Or maybe just inexperience.

    Basically being 6″2 is amazing. Height is the most attractive trait for men.

    Did it ever occur to you that there are probably 59 women wondering why you didn’t ask them out or message them back?

    You need to get rejected 100 times. Who cares.

    Or live your life in a bubble.

    You only get one life. I understand it’s scary. But honestly getting rejected a bunch would be the best thing for you. Make it your mission.

  2. Sounds like you have avoidant personality disorder. If you’re always scared of the outcome then nothing is gonna happen. Either get some courage to break away from your fears or get a dominant woman.

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