How can I reduce regret in future?

All my life, I have made bad decisions in hindsight. Career path, changing jobs, even dating life, all were great decisions at that time but disasters in hindsight. I regret some career choices like quitting law school etc as how can you be so stupid, I constantly berate myself for missing the obvious. I am 31 now and I don’t want to live in regret no more. I find myself in regret for not exercising, not taking care of my body, succumbing to alcohol and berate myself again and again for living life in despair.

It’s like regret begets regret like in a loop. I want to get out of this constant feeling of regret and failure and establish myself, in the next few years. I don’t really have career goals but have a networth goal, I feel it’s more achievable than a title or career.

How can I reduce my regret?

Is there a decision framework that you use to arrive at the right decision?

How to get out of analyzing my past mistakes and regretting myself over and over again?

Thanks again folks,

I am grateful that there is this community that I can turn into for the proper advice.

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