I m(18) was asked by my mom to help my grandparents that live close by, with moving some stuff from their crawlspace. When i went down there yesterday to help them my aunt (40) was also there, supposedly to help them as well. Now for referrence she was wearing some tights and a brah(probably because it was a lot to move and it was pretty warm that day.

Now everything started fine with moving some boxes and small talk. But around 15 minutes into the job i had to pick up something in the opposite corner of the room. While walking over to pick up the box, i could hear my aunt picking up some things laying around close to that corner.

As i picked it up and turned around, about to walk back. My aunt was bending over in front of me to pick up something off the ground. I didn’t notice it until it was too late and i had already bumped pretty hard into her (obviously hitting her ass in that sequence). Now instead of saying sorry or anything my dumbass just stood there waiting for her to say something. She looked up at me and didn’t say anything exept she was going downstairs to help my grandparents with something.

We haven’t talked since that and its been on my mind lately. I dont know if she think I did it on purpose, and i dont know how to approch the situation from here.

  1. The best opportunity to say anything has passed. I would just forget about it as people accidently bump all the time.

  2. Yeah definitely just forget about it and let it go.
    In the future, don’t just stand there lol, casually apologize and move on.

  3. I wouldn’t worry about it to be honest, as a woman (if that helps).

    Sounds like it wasn’t like you pinched her butt, or were groping it. She knew it wasn’t on purpose, especially if she stopped in front of you and it was a bump like you say.

    I’d just let it go, she probably doesn’t even remember it.

  4. Definitely sounds like you need to learn some manners, young man.

    “Excuse me” is a very useful phrase to start with.

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