Basically, my line manager does not follow me on Instagram, but shows up as a viewer on every one of my stories. I’ve checked multiple times and he definitely doesn’t follow me. So he has to search my profile regularly to see that I’ve shared something.

I don’t share anything that I wouldn’t want him to see. Its all pretty normal stuff and some things related to my hobbies, which is why I keep my account public. If he followed me, then I probably wouldn’t even think about it.

What do you all think? Weird or not? And does anyone have any funny stories of their manager seeing something they shouldn’t, just to make me feel better!

  1. Why would you have a public profile if you’re bothered about strangers watching your stuff?

  2. Considering he doesn’t follow, it’s a bit weird. Means they are taking the time to view your profile, which is an odd thing for them to be doing.

  3. It could just pop up because he searched you once. The algorithms work that way.

  4. Lots of people seem to be missing the point here. It’s pretty weird for him to be viewing your stories if he’s not following you, because as you say it could mean he regularly searches up your account to watch your stories. Does he potentially not realise you can see when he checks your story?

    Alternatively it could be some glitch or something, but just wanted to weigh in because the people being like “if your account’s public it shouldn’t matter” are not getting it imo

  5. Yes it is weird. I would never and do my utmost to pretend staff does not exist outside work.

  6. How tech savvy is he? Does he think that if he doesn’t follow you, then you won’t know it’s him who’s viewed your content? Could he fancy you?

  7. Wait – it shows you who has viewed your stories even if they don’t follow you…? Fuck…

  8. “I make public posts on Instagram for the world to see, but I’m upset that people view them” weird mental gymnastics you’ve got there. The solution is to make your profile private or live with it.

  9. Ask him if he enjoys looking at your stories, his reaction will speak volumes.
    If you feel uncomfortable maybe set your account to private and or block him if you can.
    Keep safe OP 🙂

  10. Maybe he fancies you but doesn’t want to compromise 6iur professional relationship by telling you and thinks it would be weird to follow you.

  11. I get where you’re coming from OP, it has sod all to do with your account being public which so many people seem to be caught up on.

    It’s nothing to do with the fact he CAN do this but more about being curious WHY he does this. It does seem odd.

    Personally, I’d make a video especially for him, like a big cheesy grin and a wave saying “Hey Bob! Do you like my videos?” really freak him out!

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